

Ask @yourfavBadG

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menurut kalian, nangis itu wajar gak? gue termasuk orang yg gampang nangis, tp ayah gue selalu marah kalo liat gue nangis, jadi setiap kali abis nangis gue selalu mikir kyk gak berguna dan gagal,tp kalo di pendem makin sakit....

I'm a sensitive person. I also cry on the smallest thing. I think crying is one of the ways to keep myself sane. I don't think I could be sane if I keep my emotions. I'm sorry if your dad does that to you whenever you express your emotion.

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I try to get deeper in islam (my religion). Try to be better as a moslem. But you know, my iman sometimes up and down, and now i feel at the down phase. Any advice, please? Thank you

I'm not a muslim but I can relate to your condition.
I'll answer this based on my experience and what I believe.
For me, God is a super loving God yet He judges sin and evil with a perfect justice.
We were born as a sinner.
We made mistakes and do bad things.
We can't be free from our nature to do sin.
However, He loves us so much that He forgives everything that we do.
He's the perfect God who accept and forgive whatever we do.
So, my suggestion is, just focus on Him.
We can't promise that we won't do sin anymore or have faith 24/7 on Him .
However, He says that He loves us and never leave us no matter the circumstances and always keep His promises.

doi udah mau nikah sama orang lain, tadinya gw gak terima gak rela dan gak ikhlas, trus gw cari tau calonnya gw stalking sosmednya, ternyata calonnya lebih baik daripada gw gaes,dia lulusan pesantren, udah sarjana juga, pekerjaannya baik bagus lah gw?? 😭

no need to be insecure, babe.
you're doing good.
those things aren't guarantee that she's better than you.
you two have different things to be proud of.
head's up, queen 👑

Language: English