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Is English your first language?? If not what is?? Do you know any other languages?? 🤔

askamanz5506’s Profile PhotoRock Chick
No, it‘s not. It‘s my second language. 🤗
My first is German 😄
In school I had French and Spanish besides English, but there‘s not much left f those lessons. 😅
I can count to 100 in Japanese and I know a little bit in Esperanto. ☺️

what is your opinion on India?

Can’t really day, because I‘ve never been there. 😅
But the first thing that came to my mind was colorful, because of the saris the women are wearing, when I recall it right. 🤗
I encountered many people online that are from India. 🤔
But yeah, as I said, I‘m not able to have an opinion on that. 😅🤷🏻‍♀️

I get you, but I meant more in a sense of, would you accept us or are you transphobic

GrafDracula’s Profile PhotoVladislav Werner
Read the first sentence of my reply again and you’ll know. 🤗
Hint: I respect and accept them like every other person. I don’t judge by gender weither it’s birth gender or changed or anything anybody is just born with.
The most important thing is, that you’re a kind, respectful and overall just a nice person. 🤗
“Get your body goin', twist it and bend it now
Make it some quality time
No matter your weight set, no matter your shape
No matter your size, sex, no matter your age
No matter what you into, why, and what you believe
And just push it to the side, let's blow out the ceiling, yeah”
+1 answer in: “What's your thoughts on transgender people?”

Have you ever been to any interesting festivals before? What kind have you been to? If you haven't been to any festivals before, would you ever go?

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
I’ve been to two music festivals with camping and the two stages are placed at a public open air pool, which is sooo cool! 🥰
Here are the two vlogs I made, in case you’re interested:
2018:’s Video 161053231215 dfucr_FYDv8zy_cv’s Video 161053231215 dfucr_FYDv8
2019:’s Video 161053231215 S7Z04JtSJjkzy_cv’s Video 161053231215 S7Z04JtSJjk
I’ll be visiting that exact festival this year again and I plan on going to raves. I feel the vibe there will be so amazing and I wanna connect with like-minded beautiful souls! 🤗


Language: English