
Ahmed Elbur

Ask @Ahmedelbur

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If you could be any OITNB character, who would it be?

What's OITNB i don't know what u talking about...

Expect a call anytime soon, planning to sing for you so pick a song

How do u even know my number lol

My nigga I found you a 3arosa. Curly hair, light-skinned, smart, beautiful, works out, average height, white-hearted and funny. Classy too

Let her hollaa

What takes you so long to answer questions? you literally replied to a question i asked like 5 months ago

I know, i try lol

Do you consider it attractive when a female knows how to play on a musical instrument? and if so, which instrument preferably?

I guess lol...guitar maybe

can we get married like right now, i'll a5tob you 3ind your dad and I'll call you and be like aye ahmed where you at and then you tell me where you at and i'll grab the nearest mazoon juss say yes. I have long curly hair...

Loool welp how about u buy me a wedding dress while u at it too

it's sooo hard to get your attention, do i have to either look like those light-skinned americans with curly hair or disown my nationality and bleach my skin and get brand new hair cause I can't

Lmao, what do you want my attention for anyway?


Language: English