
Sofia Salsabila

Ask @Shofeela

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How do you celebrate when something great happens?

A bottle of Cola and pizzaaaa!🍕🍕🍕
Tapi kalo lagi sendirian ginimah a can of coke aja cukup.
Self treat a cup of coffee.
A mug of hot tea.
A carton glass of green tea latte Ind*maret apa allure juga mayan.
I'm kinda happy to treat myself anything I could afford that day😆
Don't consider this as Jones pls, haha.

Are you a traveler or a homebody?

A homebody who has traveler mind.
Non-stop traveler koh.
Traveler timeline ✌

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Apa yang dikeselin pas jadi author?

Kelabilan reader.
Waktu dibawain plot nyelekit greget abis minta plot yang sweet. Giliran dikasih sugary-coated plot mereka minta drama, tapi gua juga sama deng kalo jadi reader wkwk

Kok bisa main dota sih...

Hellish kind of question. Mana bisa gua. Kalo main sambil ada co-pilotnya yang ngebawelin disebelah nunjukin know-hownya ya iya gua bisa😏

Perks of dating you?

I haven't officially date someone so you couldn't testify whether all I said here is true or a total lie. Your world will be fulfilled by strange questions, nag, awful chit-chat, and even some awkward moments. You have to be so patient and be an understanding person. I won't receive and reply your call and/or text a lot due to my habit (even I proclaimed myself as a chatterbox but I do hate chatting you know 😔), I can't control my emotion sometimes, and I argue a lot

Kak, kan dari dulu hobi baca. Punya recommend web atau apps buat baca online selain wattpad?

Unfortunately nggak ada 😞
Soalnya aku lebih suka baca buku fisik daripada baca di layar.
Buku fisik.
Bukan buku fisika sekalipun dari dulu pengen masuk fisika, yah baper deh 😪

Kak Sal, suka cowok yang kayak apa sih?

Kepo 🙈
A quiet one because I think I'm loud enough, iya gak sih?

ka before after aku dong

anneesha eka amalia
Before : Ini anak temennya Inggar, punya korea-koreaan juga. Sempet mikir, jutek nggak ya, nyebelin gak, etc.
After : Ternyata ini anak asik juga, apalagi pas tau sesama masuk unsoed yaaa apa mau dikata jadi lebih kenal. Glad to know you, seriusan! Kalo nggak ada kamu, nanti yang nemenin aku jalan di pwt siapa, masa aku nyamukin kakak kelas kita. Hahaha
Ps: Semoga mereka gak baca lol

What's your favorite thing about where you live?

Pbg dingin, tempat dimana mau cari makan harus olahraga dulu *If you really know what I mean,duh*

If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Why do I love you - Westlife

tertawabersamaku.blogspot.co.id ~~~

Duh daripada promote, anak faperta main sini yuk ke teknik. Lumayan bawa apa jajanin apa gitu kak

Rosone di unsoed piye mbak? Dadi wong sing ngalon ngalon ae nang gunung iku piye, kerasan tah? Jawab karo boso jowo yo, wis pirang bulan iki ning purwokerto wgwg

muhsatrio’s Profile PhotoSatrio
Ah hese, nganggo basa Jawa mah. Maneh di Bandung tos tilu taun, tiasa lah nganggo sunda. Abdi tilu bulan teu ngartos nanaon

Impersonate balik dong wgwg

muhsatrio’s Profile PhotoSatrio
Imper balik? Imper doang? describe juga dah.
Temen smp yang anak kesayangannya pak dadan sama bu ema. Anak pramuka dulu, gatau sekarang haha. Aktif organisasi, pas sma aktif di semacam MPK gitulah. Anak SMAN 5 Bandung (ini bikin ngiri abis ya).
Ngebet banget sama olim komputer, sampe sekarang masuk jurusan IT. Saking deketnya kompi jangan dijadiin teman hidup yak, haha.
Liked by: Satrio


Language: English