

Ask @UmNawh

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What was the last gift you gave somebody?

I fucinf hate feeling like this and im so fuckinf ancry anxm muself and I don't want to fucking feel like this naymore
Liked by: Willow

What's the most awkward thing you can say in an elevator?

if anyone has any good music suggestions that are //metal// please tell me and i don't want pop, I don't want rap, and I don't want any of that all time low shit. none of that is metal ok
Liked by: Little_nightmare

If you were a shit person, I wouldn't be here calling you precious, or admiring how lovely a person you are.

I don't care if you think I'm precious. I'm not.

You don't fuck anything up, the world just can't handle someone as precious as you, so it fucks up.

No. I fuck everything up. I say all the wrong things, and I don't do anything right. I'm such a fucking shit person.

Tbh I'm not either I just like just cause coz you can use a grappling hook to latch people to your car and drive them about or latch them to a celling and like beat to death and just the crazy stuff like that

the only thing I like remotely similar to that is the stanley parable like that game is hiLARIOUS

that's a good reason dude

but the DLC for outlast is a lot better than the base game and I am literally in love with it and I think it's sO well made !! same thing with skyrim and life is strange. if you haven't noticed, i'm not rlly a big fan of games that use guns for weapons.

What draws you to those games

The fantasy/unrealistic aspect of them. For life is strange it's moreso with the plot, though.

May I ask what is

skyrim, metal gear rising: revengance, life is strange, outlast, the stanley parable, anything from the elder scrolls series, minecraft when i'm in the mood
Liked by: Kyran

In just cause 2 u basically go about blowing stuff up the dictatorship government owns and help freedom groups in there fight and get guns, open world, cars, jets, helicopters, cars, bikes, tanks, parachute and a grappling hook, defo worth a play or like watch on YouTube

ew not my kind of game
Liked by: Kyran

Ok so I'm awful at making decisions so can u pick either Skyrim or Just Cause 2 for me coz I'm just hear looking at both and can't decide

I don't know what the second one is so skyrim

omfg.. i take offense. im only wearing the fucking choker rn and my eyebrows naturally do that; well one of them


My dad was always ashamed to admit he was English, I'm not sure why. He would tell people he was just American. Some research of our last name proved to me that I am English and I am proud of it. 😎

i don't rlly care but i'm scottish, irish, french, and german hi
Liked by: p


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