

Ask @UmNawh

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oh hi there. you keep your head held high, okay? don't let anyone, & I mean anyone, get you down. ever. you're super sweet & you definitely deserve to be happy. I hate that you're really not happy rn. & I wish I could do something. try to smile & stay strong for me, okay? ❤

I can't promise anything.

If you would of said that you were upset I would of fucking been there for you but obviously youd rather not tell me shit. Instead you let me go to bed thinking your okay and that we can flirt when i woke up and you go trade nudes and expect me not to care.

thekillerroo’s Profile PhotoHoney Bitch
I don't like telling anyone anything- I wasn't just going to throw out there that I've been feeling like a pile of shit forever.

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Fuck me too? Mature ffs alex you fucking enjoyed someone elses body and say you love me what is that?

thekillerroo’s Profile PhotoHoney Bitch
I didn't ask for her nudes; and I didn't know that you liked me.I didn't think you would fucking care.And I've been mad at other things for months now,and she was the only person there to cheer me up.

What kind of phone do you have? Bc I can't text long distance unless you have imessage. If you don't have iMessage add me on fb @ Taylor Jaclyn Meyer

TaylorJacltn’s Profile PhotoSass Master
I have an ancient phone- And no Facebook.


Atleast she's fucking happy- I'm not,but she can enjoy whoever the hell she wants.Because she's oblivious of how much I love her.Fuck you,too.

You want to know why Im mad okay fine im jealous. JEALOUS okay and you dont even care. Honestly just fine i get it i make you fucking upset im sorry im so terrible i just nvm i wont bug you anymore you deserve the best anyways

thekillerroo’s Profile PhotoHoney Bitch
I'm sorry- I told you.I'm fucking sorry; I didn't think you would care.. I don't deserve shit.

Your flirting and sending nudes to someone else so that kinda says alot I mean ik were not dating or anything but i was trying to hardcore flirt with you

thekillerroo’s Profile PhotoHoney Bitch
She started it. ;-; I only sent her a boob I would send you full body bae omg

Just stop. I was stupid and thought you liked me and maybe we could work past being friends to idk being a thing. My bad for not getting the signals right

thekillerroo’s Profile PhotoHoney Bitch
No I love you.


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