

Ask @UmNawh

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What's your definition of being kind?

Just being considerate. Considering the feelings of other people, and understanding that you can at least try and help them if they aren't feeling well. Just avoiding being ignorant towards others.
Liked by: Eowyn Kaneki ♡

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Hey- do u know what happened to Luna? I'm freaked she may have ended her life and I can't stop thinking about it :/

Please don't worry, friend. I don't know what she's up to because I lost her phone number, but I'm sure she's okay, or at least alive. You shouldn't have to worry, it's okay.

Well I'm going out with a girl not this weekend but the next weekend where should we go any idea?

well it should be somewhere that you'd both enjoy ! you wouldn't want to go somewhere only you like, or they wouldn't have a good time. but you also would want to go somewhere that you'd both enjoy so you wouldn't be bored, either !! try and find out what the other likes so you can go do something that u will both enjoy

music taste

ok let's see if i can remember without looking at my music let's go;
Asking Alexandria
Anything from the Metal Gear Rising: Revengance soundtrack.
Anything from the mix Xaiden made me bc it's a++
Stick To Your Guns
The Amity Affliction
My Chemical Romance (is my emo showing now)
Memphis Mayfire
Fleshgod Apocalypse
Wild Child (p much one of the only non-metal bands I like and I blame xaiden)
All Time Low
We Are In The Crowd
Maximum the Hormone
The Devil Wears Prada
The Animal In Me
Black Veil Brides (please don't kill me i've been listening to them since i was like 11)
And idk any hardcore metal tbh
Liked by: Eowyn Kaneki ♡ p Oak


Language: English