

Ask @UmNawh

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(deciding to make this FAQ so mAYBE it will settle the revolting questions about me)
1> What is your name? - My name is Alex ! You may also call me Orion or Aki !
2> What is your age? - I do not give out that information through social media, but my birthday is September 12th.
3> What is your sexuality? - Panromantic Homosexual.
4> Are you a feminist? - Yes; intersectional.
5> Are you vegan/vegetarian? - No, that is due to financial issues.
6> Who do you cosplay as? - Currently; Kakashi Hatake, Nate Rivers (Near), and Matt Jeevas. Also planning to do Ciel Phantomhive in the near future.
7> Are you in a relationship? - Not currently; I got out of a more serious one around eight months ago.
8> What is your gender identity? - I am agender.
9> What are your pronouns? - My pronouns are he/him. But they/them is also acceptable.
10> Fan signs? - No.
11> Opinions? - Sure thing, send an @ whenever.
Please don't send me invasive questions without making sure it's okay beforehand.

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This is just a random question, what do you think of people who use mental illness as adjectives? Example: "I feel really depressed today" yet the person doesn't have depression.

I don't think there's anything wrong with it, as far as I know. I'm not really sure, but, if it is a bad thing then I would appreciate if someone tells me.


Language: English