

Ask @ZeldaGameGirl

If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what you would you do?

Sneak myself onto a plane to Washington.

What is missing in your life that would make you very happy?

I don't know. I feel unhappy a lot and like something is missing, but I can't pinpoint it. It's just a giant hole that I cant fill.

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What is the best way to deal with stress?

Play video games. Soul Cailbur is the best for this, as you just button mash. Hard.

How many accounts have you actually had?

Well...I made 19 ish in Zelda Twitter once. Then I had, in pokemon Twitter, I'm counting characters I tried about maybe five?

How many hours do you sleep at night?

Usually about 6 or 7 hours, falling asleep around 11pm or 12 am then waking up at 6am. I lose track on weekends though.

Which of a certain person's OC's are your favorite, and what do you think would be their ideal crossover shipping?

But I like them all....though my favorite is between Rayne and Sonia...since I've watched Rayne adapt and change and Sonia has great backstory. I don't think I would ship over other things since they belong in their world.

Who is your least sane friend, and why do you think so?

That's a tough to one....in the insane category is two RL friends, Brendan and Angela...but there is one more. I won't mention his name but he's on Twitter and he may not be fully sane hes a great friend.

What do you think of Abridged Dartz? Or have you heard of him?

No comment. Haven't watched Abridged...im scared to ruin my childhood...

What are three characters you've seen/read of/heard of that you favorite over most or all others, and do you ship any of them?

Ohhhh that's a hard one.....welllll I like Axel/Lea from kingdom hearts, because of his flame association and how bipolar he is in kh2 and sweet in days. I tend to ship him with Roxas...sometimes Demyx too. I also tend to like Midna from LoZ: Twilight Princess, because she is both funny, spunky, and sexy in the end. I ship her with Link..because TP zelda is a bitch. Finally I like, surprisingly, Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter. I see him as more complex than he seems, what his motivations are, what would have happened if he switched sides. The fact he took the mark to protect his family and didn't identify Harry at the manor may show more deeper thought processes than we see on the surface. I want to dig deeper and let my imagination run wild on him. I usually, and much to the groaning of my lover, ship Draco with Harry...I don't know why I just think its cute.

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What do you like to cook?

Dinner ffor my family. I'm not that good but I can at least make them all dinner. It's hard to try to feed only myself because this.

What helps you to sleep better?

This new pillow I made has been helping. But it's going to become a Christmas gift so that will end eventually.

Do you have posters on your wall?

I wish. I have a lot of posters and wall scrolls, but I have yet to put them up in my new room.

Language: English