
Jameela Alnakkas

Ask @JayAlN

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Do dogs bite when they're playing? A dog bit my wrist, idk why but it made feel loved lool

its totally normal for them to bite but it's not a behavior that should be tolerated, the owner should correct biting as it can harm even if they were just playing. I love those "i got your arm!" bites! x)

هل صحيح الsilica crystal cat litter تضر بالقطط ؟!!

اي ممكن تضر الجهاز التنفسي وفي مادة اذا استخدموها ممكن تسبب سرطان بالرئة بس عموماً اذا النوع اصطناعي مثل الطين او غيره يحتوي كيماويات ممكن يأثر لانهم يتنفسون غباره وممكن يلزق فيهم واهم ينظفون عمرهم يبلعونه
Liked by: Miss A

ليش يقولون اذا شفتوا الجلب يركض وراكم وقفوا عشان لا يكمل يلحقكم ؟؟ وشلون اعرف انه اهوا ماراح يسويلي شي؟؟

غريزة الجلب تخليه يلحق اي شي يركض او يتحرك بسرعة ف عشان جذي يقولون لا تركضون. شلووون تعرفون عاد هاذي يبيلها قعدة لووول يبين من لغة جسمه وركضته بس شلون اشرح مادري لووول وبعدين الجلب بطبعه يهدد قبل لا يهجم يعني ينبح او يشخر او شي ما يهجم سيده الا اذا معطينه امر او اذا كان يصيد.

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والله جد كذا من الله احبج لان محد ساعدني وانا من معجبين ب أسلوبج ونتمنى نجينا السعوديه تسوين دورات !!

ان شاءالله نيي السعودية بالمستقبل ليش لا لووول

Do you think it is right to keep wild animals in a zoo?

No it's not right. However, some wild animals who are injured or such cannot be returned to the wild because they would not be able to survive, so it's better to keep them at zoos, reserves or wildlife rehabilitation centers provided they have proper care and their basic needs are met. Animals bred in captivity should be used for educational purposes and should be rehabilitated and reintroduced to the wild or put in breeding programs in reserves to maintain the species number.

Hey buddies. How's it all going! I'd like to know how your first day at college/school/work was? keep the good vibes flowing.

In Australia my second semester started 8 weeks ago. lol

Is your family with you in Australia ?

They take turns visiting. My mom is over here for another week then I'll be all alone :(

If you could make up your own psychological theory, to create a realistic view of learning and behavioral feeling, what would it be?

Anyone wears too much perfume has too much to hide.

Do you have interests other than animals ?

Fatemah A
Yeah! Reading, I love to read novels. I'm also interested in psychology and criminal behavior due to the amount of time I spend watching crime shows lol. I LOVE movies. I am interested in yoga. I like learning English and Spanish. I enjoy photography, NOT professional. I also enjoy fashion and cosmetics. I LOVE shoes. I blog, but that's animal-related lol. I don't know hmmmm, I have an obsession with Victoria's Secret products. I love music, tried to play the guitar and the piano, didn't work. I used to write poems, now I changed my style in writing. I used to swim and ride horses (show jumping). So yeah, my life is not all animals!!! :P

How did you make your first money?

Online marketing for a pet supplies company in Kuwait and a cosmetics supplying company in the GCC.

We do people hate anyone who is different from them ?

Psychologically we "people" hate what we fear and we fear the unknown. But some people "ma yinbal3on" bedoon sebab.

LOOOL ymkn that was one of the evil people that killed those poor homeless dogs or something like that

or the 100+ other people who hate to hear the truth lol. I mean come on, I'm doing something THAT bad just tell me in my face what I'm doing wrong so if it is convincing I would be able to "improve" myself. But thsse kinda people just wanna bring other people down. all and all, who caaaares? xD

If your life had absolutely no limits and you could have it all and do whatever you wanted, what would you choose to have and what would you choose to do?

I don't believe that life without limits is a good life but I'll answer this as if the world had no limits! I'd have a dobermann and I would help animals in any way possible. I'd also get tattoos! x)


Language: English