
Jameela Alnakkas

Ask @JayAlN

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what are three things you did today?

saw Monsters University and Despicable Me 2 at the movies. Washed my bed sheets.

is there something you would like to say to someone?

I won't change nor lie anymore, you take me as I am or you move on.
Liked by: Maryam

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If you could be reincarnated as any animal, which would you choose and why?

A wolf. I love wolves because they're so magestic, social, smart, and simply amazing<3
Liked by: кσσкιι ♥

What are five things you absolutely have to have in your dream house?

A good size yard
A bathtub
A gigantic built-in cat tree
A pool

If money was not an issue, what would be your dream job?

Money isn't an issue, I'd still want to be a vet.

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If you have 12 apples and 16 oranges, how many shoes do you need to fly a helicopter?

three drumsticks and popcorn.
Liked by: Maryam

ادري لووول .. وماراح اكتب شي بس عن النعال الوردي.

فظيحة فظيحة انت

نشكرج على اجابتج علي الأسئله معنه في جواب كان رده وحطيه بس الله يسامحك لوووول

آسفة اتغشمر والله اتغشمر لا تطب فيني بروايتك لوول

شنو تعنيلج كلمة المساواة ؟

صالح يوز لا انزل صورتك انستغرام واقولهم هالانسان كاتب رواية ضد البنات!

Do you have a favorite number? Any particular reason why you like that number?

I like 4, 6 and 8. I like even numbers because they can be devided equally and not 'one' gets left alone and feels lonely. x)
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How do you feel right now? What are you thinking about?

I feel pressured. I can't stop thinking of studying and at the same time I want my mom and my niece to see Brisbane


Language: English