
Jameela Alnakkas

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الحمد لله وديتها اليوم البيطري غزوها ٣ ابر و نظفو لها اذونها

زين تسوين :D

Do u have instagram account miss jay?

My blog's account on Twitter and Instagram is @vetfate and my personal is @alphawolfa but I don't accept guys I don't know personally on my personal account.

is there someone who deserves you?

I don't know how to answer this question. I guess I can only answer it if it was about what I desesrve.

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Do you trust people easily?

to a certain level yeah. I believe I have nothing to hide and that no one can hurt me unless I allow them to.

البيطري يوم اليمعه يفتح العصر ؟ الدهماء ؟ او ايي مكان ؟

انوقع الدهماء والري فاتحين.

What do you like to do on the weekends?

Stay home and watch episodes, read, watch movies and blog.

you're eyes are not weird they are very beautiful mashallah

But it's not something to go "Wow" at when you meet people with blue eyes everyday. bs thank you :)

ويييه اخاف باجر مسكر البيطري امادري سهال خفيف و تاكل عادي ، بس خفتت عنها الحليب ☹

حليب بقر لا تعطينها، اذا صغيرة ولازم ترضع اشتري الفورمولا

قطوتي فيها سهال مو راضي يوقف بس مو قوي يـٰـعنيے نص ونص ششسوي. خايفه تموت

شنو توكلينها؟ توچ مغيرة الأكل؟ شكثر صارلها؟ ترجع؟ تاكل طبيعي؟ اذا صارلها اكثر من يومين وأكلها مو متغير وديها البيطري

انا قطوتي وايد تحك اذونها وداخل احس في شيي اسود اوديها بيطري ؟

اي عشان يعطونج غسول تنظفين فيه الاذن، لحقي عليها لا تلتهب اذنها

do you recommend buying from petzone?

hmmm. tough question.
I don't recommend buying pets from anyone or anywhere that is not a liscenced breeder. I support adopting from shelters.
As for supplies and products, I recommend buying from shops that don't sell animals, but since it is Kuwait and not everything is available wherever we want it. I believe it's okay to buy supplies and products from Petzone. However, there are alternatives such as www.pawshboutique.com or www.epetome.com

don't think it is only fair that people know the truth? especially if it involves them?

oh if it involves them that's a different matter. I always tell the truth when it comes to other people, but not me.

why do lie when answering personal questions?

Sometimes I just don't want people to know the truth.

it sucks when you get a personal question doesn't it?

Not really. I like personal questions. I either make up one hell of a lie or tell the boring truth.

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

A freaking huge farm house in Gatton.

Post some saying(s) you enjoy remembering and to whom it belongs? Why do you like it?

"Bazinga!" - Dr. Sheldon Cooper
"To die would be an awfully big adventure." - Peter Pan
Thats all I can think of at the moment hehe

What is your favorite way of wasting time?

Laying flat on the floor, it gets rid of all the negative energy and is almost always a waste of time.

hi! can you help me with something? i'm from kuwait and i want a cat but i don't know a good place to buy from, can you suggest a place please? thanks :)

Hey! I hope you did your homework about cat care! :) I recommend adoption from shelters like www.kspath.org, or you can check the 'useful contacts' page on my blog www.inevetablefate.wordpress.com for Facebook groups that put cats for adoption. There are many that need a good home :) Or if you're looking for a specific breed I recommend you contact K-Cats and look for a responsible breeder :) Goodluck!

Can you guys share me your favorite quote? And why do you like it?

My all time favorite quote is 3 pages long so i will skip that one lol. Instead, by the same person it is "You are wrong if you think Joy emanates only or principally from human relationships. God has placed it all around us. It is in everything and anything we might experience. We just have to have the courage to turn against our habitual lifestyles and engage in unconventional living." Christopher McCandless <3


Language: English