
Jameela Alnakkas

Ask @JayAlN

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What should there be in a perfect city?

A dog park, a cat cafe, a skatepark, a public garden and an epic shopping mall.

mmm...you're smart and you know your way around questions, since this is a question site, what's your favourite movie? take care

favorite movie, very tough question! Depends on the genre, I don't have one favorite lol.

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i salute you, how did you assume that you dont know me -_-?

Okay maybe I know you, but i don't know you well enough.

i like it and i want to put a ring on it but will you say yes ? :p

well it depends! i dont even know who you are how could ask me this question -_-

what is 3aib and what is 7aram?

3aib is something that is not accepted by society standards, something that is against the norm, something different than what the society is used to, something that doesn't abide to traditions. 7aram is something that should not be done at all and is punishable in Islam.
Liked by: emmy all the way

there is a guy somewhere who would accept and appreciate you for who you are with all your flaws and insanity you just have to open your eyes...take care :)

oh my eyes are open wide! lol. I'm just not interested in all that relationship stuff. You want me, you let me know, I get to know you, I like you, you marry me and we live insanly ever after. If you like it then you should put a ring on it, no? x)

so you are saying that this guy is not crazy about animals ? he should be they are cute :)

he is, but we didn't get along. I'm saying that a guy I would accept has to accept my insanity lol.

nice, so what made you think that this guy would'nt understand your passion and your way of thinking? and what is your passion and your way of thinking ?

Because we know eachother lol. I'm just crazy about animals, my work and passion is all my life its all i do. And I'm a fairly open-minded person, Kuwaiti guys aren't open-minded. And if they are then they're too open-minded for me.

should i ask more questions or you had enough for today? :p

feel free to ask anything you want to know about! If I had enough for today I'll just answer them tomorrow :D

& what is stopping you from the next step?

No guy would understand my passion and my way of thinking. None that I had the opportunity to get to know.

and what happend after that?

nothing, we still share our knowledge of common interest and enjoy our convos.

ايهو تفضلين ؟ "انا احبج وكيفج دبري حالج" ولا " انا احبج،تحبيني؟"

"انا احبج وكيفج دبري حالج"

where did you meet that "someone" ?

oh long ago I was given a scholarship to an American institute back in Kuwait.

Do you love someone ? And what kind of love ?

Yeah I think I do love someone. The kind of love when you meet someone and they're just as crazy as you are. More like "we so match" feeling.

i like it that you tweet alot,keep it up !

a7is iny garga so I aim to not tweet a lot of 5arabee6 anymore lol

في العجلة الندامة ؟ ولا خير البر عاجل؟

خير البر عاجل. انا وحدة مافيني صبر.

U like all animals !!?

well, I don't like chicken, nor geckos. Other than that all is lovable!

What is your favorite city?

hmm, it's a tie between Gatton, QLD Australia or Sion, Switzerland because it depends on my mood.


Language: English