
Jameela Alnakkas

Ask @JayAlN

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Am I guna see him do "stuff" alot?

He might try to "annoy" her so watch out for that. You'll smell and feel urine marking lol and he'll cry a lot, he might try to run away to find a mate. If you want to actually see the urine marks so you can remove them there is a light for that on www.pawshboutique.com with special urine removers cause trust me, it's gonna be hard to get rid of that smell!

If I got a spayed female and a mature male (not spayed) will the female be ok with it...?

Yeah totally fine. :)

What's one of your favorite 'little things' to enjoy in life?

walking around aimlessly while listening to feel-good music.

Which celebrities do you suspect are really aliens walking amongst us?

I don't believe that aliens can take a human form.

entay men el nas ely y36oony aml bel7aya? you are different, who gives you the same feeling?

aw, that's one of the nicest things I ever read! :) I am honored! Someone who gives me the same feeling... hmmm, I don't know really I guess a lot of people really have an impact on me.

Shlon ma t5afen mn elchlab w enty b kramh??!

6ool 3mry kan 3ndy chlab oo baitna 3la 6ol feeh chlab. oo dam iny afham 6aree8at'hm oo lu'3at jasad ilchlab a3arif shlon awa5er oo ma an3ath.

What's the latest thing that made you smile?

A geek at the comics store wanted to hold the door open for me but ended up tripping, knocking down things and streching his arm. LOL<3
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What is it called when people say one thing but do another? Do they have their reasons? Or it's just part of their personality?

I don't know how to answer this. It would be better to be more specific.

كنت ادور بأمازون فيتامينات للطيور وجذي، ولقيت بروبايوتيك ! انتي بايوتك عرفته مضاد حيوي !البروبايوتك شنو هو وشفايدته يعادل الفيتامينات يعني ؟؟

البروبيوتكس بكتيريا نافعة نفس الي بالروب والجبن وغيره. مو فيتامينات لكن يستخدمونهاكمكملات وخاصة اذا الحيوان عنده مشاكل بالجهاز الهضمي. قبل لا توكل طيرك فيتامينات او اذا ودك بروبيوتك لازم يشوفه البيطري يمكن في اشياء ما يحتاجها او عشان يحددلك الجرعة

are you behind the trigger?

I am behind A trigger. I have no idea which "the trigger" you're talking about :p

Shloun I take it out? Q-tip? Laman I use my finger ma ynfa3 kela y9k the inner lid looking thing =/

Tweezer bs be careful. Q-tip soaked in eye solution aw water.

If there was a hair in my cats eye! Shasawi?

Take it out carefully. bs make sure not to cut off any whiskers aw hair on the cat's face like lashes or eyebrows.

What are you proud of yourself for?

How far I've come. I worked so hard to be the person I am today. How I got over everything I've been through. I'm really proud of what I learned, how I changed myself, and how far I'm going to fullfil my dreams.

If you could leave tomorrow with a one-way ticket, where would you go?

I don't need one. Loving Brisbane.

ماشاءالله موفقه ان شاءالله ،، صراحة مجال حلو وممتع جدا أن الواحد يتخصص فيه.

شكراً (:

شي حلو تخصصج بيطرة ! في بيطرين كويتين ؟؟ ووين يشتغلون اي عيادة ؟

في كويتيين بي كويتيات ماكو الا انا طالبة وزميلتي هم توها تكمل وتشتغل بحديقة الحيوان مع كذا دكتور. بالعيادات الخاصة ماكو كويتيين بس انا اشتغلت فترة بمستشفى رويال الي بالري

بييه .. شوفيلج جامعة ثانية .. سالي

لا شادة حيلي وكل شي مقدور عليه

لحقي على نفسج وحولي اذا مفكرة تحولين .. تخصصج صيدلة ؟

لا لا لاااا ههه تخصصي علوم بيطرية


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