
Jameela Alnakkas

Ask @JayAlN

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If you could invent one thing to make your everyday life easier, what would it be?

Space-travelling portals.

What is your opinion of highly sensitive people? are you one of them? feel free to add some tips if you want to.

Chillax!!! I deal with a friend who's paranoid, it's freaking annoying but you cant judge people because they're a bit coocoo!! lol

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what do you think life would be like without hope?

Hope is what keeps us strong. As I once read "Hope is stronger than fear.", it keeps us going, hoping, wishing, waiting, planning, trying over and over again. Life without it would be boring and most likely aimless to a point.

If you could only eat one food, and nothing else, for three days in a row, what would it be?

mac & cheese
Liked by: TA.

Alphonse Karr once said "Some people grumble because roses have thorns; I am thankful that the thorns have roses." .. A message for ungrateful people?

There's always a good side to anything, even if there's nothing in it for you, think of all the good that could come out of your action for others. Think: The butterfly effect.

What makes someone attractive?

ah.. if they have clean, nicely cut fingernails and they're well groomed. If they smell nice (not too nice though). If they wear sneakers and casual outfits! If they listen to music I like. If they have a nice smile, if they're quiet yet funny! If they're not all muscular! If they LOVE DOGS. If they're passionate about something (other than football). If they enjoy nature. If they're ambitious and creative. If they're open-minded. If they're romantic. If they have beautiful alert eyes. If they have full lips. If they're not that tall nor too short. If they have stubble. Thick eyebrows.
Okay, I think I got carried away.

" http://www.blogthings.com/whatsyourpersonalitytypequiz/ " here's a lovely site to discover your personality type .. if you're interested, then do it and post the result here.

I am an ESFJ.
A caregiver.
The Caregiver
You are sympathetic and caring, putting friends and family first.
A creature of habit, you prefer routines and have trouble with change.
You love being in groups - whether you're helping people or working on a project.
You are good at listening, laughing, and bringing out the best in people.
In love, you value harmony and mutual understanding.
You will apologize or give someone the benefit of the doubt, if it means getting over a fight sooner.
At work, you are good at building relationships and connecting with people.
You would make a great nurse, social worker, or teacher.
How you see yourself: Organized, dependable, co-operative
When other people don't get you, they see you as: Opinionated, critical, and know-it-all
Liked by: Guevara ^_^

can we spread the beauty of Islam? give me some of your opinions, prophet muhammad "peace be upon him" sayings or anything you'd like non-muslim people to know about our beautiful religion.

It's just that we need to let people from other religions into our daily lives. Only then can they see how a Muslim really is and how Islam makes our life so beautiful. Only then can they understand why we do why we do.

things that grab your attention?

I'm almost ADHD. I like shiney things lol. Colors def get my attention. Anything with animals on it will surely get my attention. And in the opposite sex its the hands and fingernails.

a wise man who i obviously don't know his name once said "the more people I meet, the more I like my dog" what do you think of that statement?

very true. You'll learn the difference between people and animals once you get a dog.

What is the secret to a happy life?

there is no secret. Different things make different people live happily. To me, achieving my goals, living according to my beliefs and doing what I love make me happy. And I live according to this qoute by Christopher McCandless "Happiness is only real when shared." so I am sharing my happiness with the world and it is amazing!


Language: English