
Jameela Alnakkas

Ask @JayAlN

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somthing you hate that everybody seems to like?

habbat ilkuwaitiyeeeeen!!! kilshay kilshay! lol id rather be old skool :p

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If you had the opportunity to start your own business, what would you start?

a veterinary hospital, and a petcare awarness program! more like campain!

What are your major goals in life?

My main goal is to LIVE!
n doing so by learning, succeeding and enjoying every minute, achieving great things even if they were small, caring and showing appreciation to those i love, living a healthy (mentally n physically) life, trying to make a tiny good change in the world to insure my kids' future, meeting people, seeing the world n its beauties, working for my afterlife, and making sure i leave this place with a gd impression on everyone who really knows me.

What is your favorite board game?

MONOPOLY!! i'd play for hours! lol if the group was fun of course :p

m3lysh a5ty antm mo mshhoren bl.nf6 antm mshhoryn bnf5 l.bra6m wal5dod . . . etc

i was talking about nationally oo 3an ilkuwait as a country, mo 3an ilsha3b.

How can people become happy?

seeing gd in everything, Always learning, and being satisfied with what they have, plus working on achieving goals, believing and having faith in Allah, not holding grudges and moving on.

Which is the most memorable day you have ever had?

if i cant think of any right now, is it cuz of my bad mood or because i dont have any? hmmm

Where is your favorite place to shop?

hmmm, idk i shop from all over! bs i have to say Forever21 rocks!

What are you prefer individual rights or utilitarian approach ? and why

i guess individual rights should be chosen carefully, utilitarian approaches in most cases should be taken in nuetral point of view, these things are dangerous, im only 17! ;p

Which movies or books have made a big impact on you?

almost every book and movie! I try to learn gd things from everything, and to know how to avoid mistakes.

Which is the best book you have read so far?

hmmmm...hard to decide! a child called 'it' is all i can think of!


Language: English