Ask @shxnlu

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I'm still looking forward to your girlgroup!baekxinglusoochen *-*

heh yes yes I owe someone that fic so *u*

Thanks for your permission :) I forgot to mention my language is Vietnamese, my bad ;( sure thing I will give you the link after done translating! Here I'm waiting for your wip being done soon ;)

which wip, LOL & yeah forsure don't sweat it yo, it just means a lot to me you're taking the time to translate the story heh I'm glad you liked it

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Well just asking but it would be great if you would it especially arranged marriage because I personally feel that there's too little arrange marriage ff! But if it's out of your comfort zone it's okay :)

LOL I love arranged marriage AUS are you kidding me, I have a few in the works right now or several (ouch all with different genres & timelines & plots)

Do you write abused/arranged marriage ff?

I don't have a fic like that, or do you mean if I have future plans of writing it

Hi Erinne, I'm here to ask for your permission to translate your Gold Rush into my language :) And yes I'll give full credits of course! Would you allow me? Hope it's a yes (:

Into what language may I ask? & sure please just be sure to link me back after its done

can u please explain ur wip meme again?

a wip meme is a works in progress post where I post one sentence from every fic I'm working on basically

Today is World Environment Day! How do you plan to make a positive impact on our Earth?

Liked by: M鹿M

No it's okay i just want to remind u sorry if i offended u btw, but thanks to u i get to see a glimpse of it bcs i didnt buy the book lmao *sigh*

hahaha not offended, & if you want I can send you pictures thru dm?

Erinne i think u should taken down the windeer fanart book photo bcs if windeer found out she's gonna mad at u :( i already see many people got caught so ya better be safe :(

thanks for having my back bruv hahaha I'll do it

Prompt; while selu are in heat and in the middle of the throes of passion (after being separated for so long due to promotions and work), person C (any Exo member, preferably Kai or chanyeol or xiumin) catches them while they're in the act.

sehun traps luhan in between his arms, his lips exploring the Luhan's mouth, just like he did 4 years ago. Luhan sighs into the kiss, sagging against the wall where he leans all his weight. he missed this. he missed the way he perfectly fit against sehun, he misses the way sehu: hands would fit perfectly on the curve of his hips.
rough hands slipping into his shirt, tongue lapping at the side of his neck, Luhan misses the way he felt so loved by sehun. the temperature rises, and sehun's hands get busier. a hand snakes its way onto Luhan's bum, massaging one globe. Luhan sinks his teeth into sehun's shoulder, keeping his voice at bay. sehun slips his hands down the back of Luhan's pants, his fingers brushing down against his clef, teasing his entrance. Luhan bucks his hips into Sehun's front, letting out another moan concealed by his shoulder.
before sehun can probe any further, chanyeol walks into the room. his eyes widening at the act "oh.....oh" his eyes land on Luhan who's very red at the cheeks from embarrassment now. sehun cages Luhan more, like a territorial wolf, concealing him from the intruder. "I'll...go back...then...." The door closes with a loud bang, and sehun goes back to fingerfucking Luhan

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Liked by: sHANICE j

luhan waking sehun up with kisses

the moments where the morning and the night overlap is when luhan likes to wake up with a smile on his face. it's in the brief moment where the sun and the moon, the day and the night meet each other for a fleeting kiss, of "you did well, my love, please rest." it's in these moments where luhan gazes down at his husband, brushing away the strands of hair on his face, wiping away the sleep gathered in his eyes, that he realizes, how truly lucky he is to have someone who he has by his side even when the sun sets and kisses the moon goodbye, or when the moon sets and kisses the sun hello.
It's moments like these where luhan places little kisses into every available, exposed surface of sehun's skin with love and care. every kiss he places is a secret promise that he will be there. every kiss is a seal of acceptance of for what is to come, what is coming, and what is now.
it's moments like these where luhan likes to lay down on sehun's chest, listening to the calm beat of his heart, a reminder that they are living.
and that every moment is never to be wasted.
Sehun slowly opens his eyes, the left then the right. it's warm. the warmth isn't coming from his chest, but he can feel it on his face. he tries to remember if he closed the blinds before slipping into bed beside luhan last night. blinking, once, twice, his view adjusts. he's greeted by luhan, his sun. the warmth that greeted him good morning.

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Liked by: sHANICE j

luhan masturbates when sehun isn't home, complaining that it doesn't feel big enough, then sehun comes home and luhan ends up having sehun's fist inside him pLEASE I BEG YOU

(omegaverse bc hey)
fisting his cock, luhan imagines that it's sehun's fingers dancing lewdly on him. that its sehun's fingers twisting themselves in his entrance. but in the back of his mind he knows it's not. his fingers are too short to close the distance between pleasure and ecstasy.
his fingers aren't as calloused as sehun's who earned it from years of strumming on the guitar in his free time. his fingers aren't nimble enough to know where his spots are because he just never had the audacity to explore himself the way sehun did earnestly.
so he sits here in vain, curling his fingers around his cock, pumping it to give some sort of friction going. too immersed in focusing to cum, he doesn't realise that the bedroom door opened. he doesn't realise his boyfriend smirking at the frame, watching in glee as luhan tries to get off. "did you get your heat without telling me again?"
luhan nods, the corners of his eyes wet from frustration. "I wanted to handle this by myself." luhan moans out, "but nothing is working, sehunnie please help me." desperate, needy, horny. luhan wants to feel release.
sehun rolls his sleeves up to his elbows, unbuttoning his dress shirt as he walks toward his needy boyfriend on the bed. settling himself in between luhan's parted legs, he slips a finger at his entrance, noting the viscous liquid there. "You're so wet, baby. Were you preparing yourself for me?" Luhan nods his head, biting his lips in between his teeth, spreading himself further with his hands. "What do you want me to do?" Sehun can smell Luhan's alluring pheromones. It's tempting. It's sinful. It's delicious.
"Your fist, please. I want your fist." Sehun complies with a kiss to Luhan's knee. He starts with two fingers, pumping them simultaneously in and out of Luhan's entrance. Knuckles buried deep, Sehun adds another finger with the beat he sets for himself. Soon three becomes four. Four fingers pumping themselves in an out of Luhan's heat, Sehun watches his lover's face for any signs of discomfort. He pauses slightly, waiting for a sign from luhan. Luhan closes his eyes, nodding his head in the slightest.
That's all Sehun needed to slip his hand deeper into Luhan, his thumb disappearing past the ring of muscle. He eases his hand into Luhan, slowly, a centimeter at a time. Once his whole hand was in up to the wrist, he curled his fingers toward his palm, balling it into a fist. Luhan arched his back in pleasure, moaning the sweetest sound Sehun's ever heard. Languidly moving his fist inside Luhan, he massages his boyfriend's thigh with his other hand, his mouth busy kissing Luhan into oblivion.
Luhan feels so full, being pushed to his limits, to the point where everything feels so good. The slightest movement from Sehun sends him into an uncontrollable frenzy. He comes with a grunt, spilling all over his belly, and some even landing on his face. It doesn't end there. He deflates momentarily as he tries to catch his breath then it starts again

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Liked by: sHANICE j

erinne omg i need more teacher lu and student hun both in a secret relationship and sehun who sleeps in class or lazy in studying but is very smart hehe

The obnoxious sound in the back of the room is happening..,yet again. Luhan sighs, pushing his glasses up higher on his nose bridge as he looks at his problem student taking a nap in the back of the class. "Sehun" he mutters to himself in defeat. "Just because you had a grand time fucking me last night doesn't give you the right the sleep in my class."
Luhan is Sehun's Calculus 30 teacher, a little older than the latter by four years. They met officially during Luhan's last year at the same university, but now Luhan is getting teaching experience. Things have happened along the way, now they're fucking and all the taboo of teacher/student have fallen out of the window.
Luhan tries to ignore Sehun the entire duration of the class, hoping that it wouldn't give him memories of last night. When he's at school, he has to remember who he is and what his goals are. At home that's all different. At home he's Luhan, Sehun's boyfriend.
He dismisses class with a terse "See you all next Thursday." Sehun still hasn't lifted his head up from his desk. Slowly walking to the back of the room, Luhan stands beside Sehun, flicking the younger' seat with the side of his foot. "Wake up, you ungrateful bastard."
Sehun, opening one eye at a time, greets Luhan with a blinding smile, pulling on his tie to kiss his lip. "Is the lecture over now, Babe?"
Luhan reluctantly gives into Sehun sliding into his lap, wrapping his arms around his neck. "How are you going to catch up now?"
"private tutoring with the professor. I think I'll definitely get the lesson when he teaches me it. Aren't I right?"
"stupid." luhan jokes, leaning forward to meet sehun's lips once more

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Liked by: anne sHANICE j

did you see the teaser pics!!! luhan would sooo wear sehun's jersey to school on the day of sehun's big game to show his support

I haven't yet!!! I was too busy yesterday l m a o but yea??? lu wearing sehun's jersey during big home games *u*

lulu thinks he's fat so he starts to skip meals and sehun notices

It started small. Skipping snacks, skipping the little cookies he would always pack into his bag. Sehun thought that he was just laying off the sweets, everything continued to be fine. Nothing to worry about. Then snacks turned into one meal. Luhan always claimed that he forgot to back his lunch into his bag, telling Sehun that he was always in a hurry before leaving school that he forgot to take the box on top of the counter. Sehun nodded his head In understanding, opting to share his own lunch with Luhan who took small bites, of one, two, and three. Sehun told him to take more, he had more than enough packed, but Luhan declined claiming he was full. Sehun gave him a confused look, but decided not to question any further. One meal eventually became two. Sehun often comes over for dinner, praising Luhan's mother for cooking dishes that lead him to another world. He's so absorbed into the conversation that when he turned to look at Luhan he noticed his plate was barely covered in food. He only had spoonfuls of everything. Spoonfuls of rice. Spoonfuls of meat. Spoonfuls of soup, that barely looked like it was touched. At this point Sehun was worried. The look on Luhan's face, drained, tired, pale, made him want to pull him out of the table right then and there. He waited until dinner was over, when the two of them were in Luhan's room, cuddling. Sehun's hands would usually roam the expanse of Luhan's body, exploring the great planes and curves he had to offer. He realized then, his hands journeying up and down Luhan's hips, those curves he missed were gone. Believing this was the time to bring the topic he leaned into the shell of Luhan's ear and whispered, "Why are you skipping your meals, baby." Luhan shakes his head "There's no such thing, I've been eating normally." Sehun sighs, pulling Luhan closer. "It doesn't seem that way. What's wrong?" Luhan turns in Sehun's arms, burying his face into the crook of his neck. "I'm getting fatter, I look hideous. I don't like that." Sehun pulls him closer, this isn't a laughing matter. "Starving yourself isn't the right way to lose weight. You're lacking in nutrition, this is unhealthy, baby you know that. I love you so much no matter what you look like. In my eyes you're still beautiful." And Luhan starts to tremble in his arms. "Please don't do this to yourself again. This isn't the right way. And you're not fat, you're healthy. You're alive. You're beautiful."

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Liked by: anne sHANICE j

sehun moves fem!lu's hair just to kiss her neck aww ;__; please and thank you :D

Her hair curtains her face full of concentration. Focused, she doesn't notice the world around her. She lets the moments slip by, the time gradually pass. Of course, she doesn't notice the sound of the chair scraping the floor beside her as he continues to copy notes from textbook to journal. She does notice though, when the person beside her, pushes her hair away from her face, setting it over her shoulder. "I bought you a little pick me up." Her boyfriend sets the steaming cup of coffee before her. The smell wafting to her nose gives her another boost of determination. She beams up at him, graciously placing her palm onto his cheek where he leans in minutely. "You're the best." She whispers inclining her head toward her lips where he closes the distance between them
Liked by: anne sHANICE j

Pls write more selu smut, i really love ur fics btw and yes pls more smut lol /runs away

yis I will write more selu smut & fic o just need to graduate first ;3; but thank you ❤️❤️❤️

Can u recommend me some selu wolf au fics? Thank u :)

there's the red riding hood AU in selubration & uhhh besides that I don't know of any? I'm rly bad w fic;;; I don't read it anymore

do you still take prompts?

of course I do! I've just been busy with life lately but please do send some it's my summer vacation soon heh

did you see chanyeol's ig posts? i wonder who sehun was on the phone with hehheheh (probably his baby lu)

probably was :c miss him so much that he's on the phone with him 24/7




Language: English