
Victor Yee Arizona

What is the world's best song to dance to?

As of late, the song I find myself dancing to the most is Pharrell's Happy. It's not the world's best song, but it's fun. Every time I hear it on the radio, I can't resist moving around and dancing to it. Just as the lyrics suggest I dance when I'm happy. Whether I win a game of chess or something just triggers a happy mood, I certainly will dance to this song.
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Latest answers from Victor Yee Arizona

Do you think you're brave?

I am brave, but at the same time I'm pretty smart. I don't purposely go out of my way to find situations to be brave. But in a time of crisis, I can act properly and be calm and controlled. To me being brave is having the ability to remain calm and collected in the midst of danger.
I've gone through various situations in my life where I had to be "brave." Even though I was cool on the outside, inside I was screaming. But I had to be brave in order to be strong for others.

What is the one thing you want most in your life right now?

I want to play more chess. This is simply my favorite thing to do in the world. I find it challenging as well as rewarding. I am typically spent by the time I've played a few rounds of chess. Though my body is still strong, but after playing chess, my mind is exhausted.
I've been playing chess for so long that I've earned a reputation as a "dangerous and effective player." I like that reputation because it sounds so sinister.

Language: English