

Ask @AcrossTheBrokenStars

Which three countries do you want to visit next?

India and Italy are the two highest on my list right now. I'm likely to see Japan soon and revisit Germany when I leave to go to college/university there (the current plan). I'd also love to go back to Israel and Jordan as well as some of the other European countries I visited.

What is your favorite type of pie?

Oooooh I love fruit pies of all sorts. And cheesecake. Is that a pie? I think so. If it isn't, then it should be. Pie is amazing, guys. Now I want pie xD

If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be?

I have somewhat recently realized that of any instrument, I'd love to be able to play a harp.

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If you could hug anyone right now, who would it be?

I would hug my friend Kaitlyn, because she's me closest friend and I haven't seen her since school ended </3

Why do zombies attack?

I assume you mean, "Why /would/ zombies attack?" because I'm not aware of any zombies at the moment. Regardless, I believe they probably attack because they're hungry and they want your brains xD

do you like yourself? (be honest!)

In what way? Like anyone, there are things I do and don't like about myself. Overall, I think there's no point in disliking myself because it wouldn't be helping my situation (whatever that may be). I would only feel sorry for myself, and that wouldn't get me anywhere. However, I realize that no one is perfect. I realize that there are some things I need to work on, and some things that can't be changed.
I'm kind of tired, so I'm not really sure if that made any sense. Hopefully, that answered your question.
Thanks for asking! c:

What was the first thing on your mind this morning?

This morning? It was probably that I had to fill out a sheet for driver's ed before the class today.

How often do you lie to people?

Considering that 60% of people lie at least 3 times in the span of 10 minutes... Not much

How many hours a day do you listen to music?

Anywhere between 3 and 16 hours ^.^ The 16 would of course be on days I don't have school.

Apple is considering revamping all the old linearts. Would you let dawn be revamped

Of course c: That would be wonderful ^.^ Sorry for the delay in answering

Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?

My best friend Kaitlyn <3 I love her to death c:


Language: English