
Alice Zeksel

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Latest answers from Alice Zeksel

I went to HS with her and I can assure she was never pregnant lol, that girl is her sister.

Ya! If this is a different person thanks

Not sure to believe u, u look like a mega party girl. kid looks like a newborn, if u didn't birth the child who did. baby looks like u

Ya cause my mom just gave birth smart one, I do have a mom who is only 35 so she has the ability of giving birth

who are the kids in the pictures? Hopefully not urs..unless u are a really bad girl

Lolz nah my step brothers

The silence isnt so bad, till I look at my hands and feel sad. Because the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly.

Oh my just tell me who u are lol

Since day 1 I've been so happy because you made me happy. I have never me anyone as nice, as pretty, as smart, and as loving as you are. You're the most important human being in my life an without you im worthless. With you in my life I am so happy. So happy that there aren any words to describe how

Who are u???

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