
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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6pm, badminton court. You better be there today, lol. The guys were like " Oh, where's Amanda? " last time.

ye ye ill be there, dont worry lol did u want to go somewhere afterwards? idk but, at 8h30-9h it's already kind of rly dark so don't knoooow

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el-oh-el diana, i wanted to know if i was compatible with u stfu lmfao ded

Alors.. Skype?

no, not rly in the mood. je suis vraiment desole, tho. ill only Skype with a few ppl tonight, je te parlerais de tout en details live! anyways, even if we were to Skype, je ne parlerais pas bcp.. sry, see you on monday. ♡

was that actually your first time confessing

yes because ive never had to do it before, i think you understand what that means. but then again, i didnt really confess.. he asked, which was easier i guess lol.

Tas vue la gros débat lol, ca m'enerve un peu pcq je comprends pas ce quelle comprends pas.. Toi quest ce ten pense

oui j'ai vue et honnêtement, ca m'as quand meme embetee! nan mais qu'elle lache, serieusement. ce n'est comme si elle rendait les choses ben ben mieux en faisant un gros debat assez inutile lol. j'sais pas la, mais j'me demandait " isabelle pourquoi continues-tu a repondre " lmfao ce qu'elle fait m'aurait quand meme vrm enervee tbh, elle est comme en train de faire la smat. bof, look over it girl lol have a nice day ye!! o and good morning

Lmfao, you're always laughing. Right after you laugh, you smile for awhile and often go back to laughing. It's so funny yet very adorable to see, I should record it one day and show you, LOL. Anyways, good morning to me bitch. What's up, heh? T'as fini avec les devoirs?

omfg if u ever fucking record me id fucking kill u. just an FYI THO !! srsly tho, dont do that lol. hm tru lmao, you do that too tho but then youre like " ok back to serious talk - starts laughing - " lmfaaao k ya whatever gnight to me ?? have safe flight ok danauueue et nan je n'ai pas terminer, i still have alot of hw sobs et bah j'etais sur Skype mais y'a personne la alors j'ai dc :-(

Do you tend to think about stuff that you shouldn't care about?

no bc that'd be wasting my time and i dont want to waste my time on stuff that is unimportant, there are other people that have time to waste so, why not let them think about those kind of stuff ?? then again, i cant help it if the thought suddenly just pops up into my mind and think about it for a few secs, but not more

Laughing because all of your horoscopes are so accurate, Amanda. Your druid is most likely to be on point too. Lmfao, and your sign and his. I cracked up. Good luck home girllll HAHAHA.

fuqr fucking get back here and let me beat u up lmao gtfo t'es vrm laid sobs


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