
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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Weidest moment now a day?

i was in my fucking underwear and shit and someone fucking decides to bust my door open oh my fucking god SCREAMS DO YOU FUCKING KNOW HOW FUCKING STRESSFUL THAT IS, YEAH IT JUST HAPPENED 2 MINUTES AGO
Liked by: Park Jung Woo

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How come u can not break up

1. we aren't even "officially" going out lol so no need to break up
2. wtf screw u feggt, who do u think u r, farty ftw pfffft pls, hehe ♡
3. uh uh i don't get why i would do such a thing if possible u cray
Liked by: Asmah Park Jung Woo

What are you lastly sorry for?

FOR GETTING DARED TO SAY THAT I STILL? LOVE MY? EX??? AND SHOCKING? FARTY THAT WAY????! BUT I DONT EVEN HAVE AN EX SOOOOOOOO omg im sorry farty looool i love you, stahp being a gullible shiznit ♡♡♡
Liked by: Asmah Park Jung Woo

I thik that fartny has thing for you!

omg im trying to not be rude in this reply, im laughing so hard and just omg anon u r a diamond, nO SHIT ANON, NO SHIT LMFAO. im sry LOL i cant, i have a thing for him too dont u worry wiINWKWINKW
Liked by: Asmah

hey u guys u no amanda takes screenies for everything so u betta watch out

Liked by: Asmah

I think that person was joking loooooooooool long paragraph much read


lol ure so confident, I'd like to be able to be like that

o i thought i was just being conceited, AHAHAH. aw man, you can be. idk how i became like this, always was this way tbh but you can always work on it. it's ight, i guess it'll take some time, don't bring yourself down is the main thing doe, know that you are probably a great person and if not, lets change that mhm, slowly. anyways, have a great day/night!
Liked by: Asmah

Ugh why wud someone date you

ugh, the way you type makes me feel fucking annoyed l o l. i'll let you little dimwit know that i am pretty fucking great, thank you very much. sure, i might have some bad sides, tbh idk what they are so do tell me, but if we look over all that, i can be funny, i can be sweet, i can be nice as fuck, i can be understanding, caring, loving, trustworthy, i can be there when you'll need me, i will be honest no matter what and i'll try my best to not deceive you, i'll show dat affection mMm LOL but you're still going to stick to your hand cus ain't getting anythin from me anytime soon ayy niggy. oh right, you don't even have to worry about when i'm on my period omg i basically get no cramps, i don't go all fucking moody on you maybe because i'm already a natural bitch, idk LMFAO but yeah man. i'm pretty cool and good morning.

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Liked by: Asmah

u obv gotz tyme 4 ask but no tyme to reply on line?. I C U.. I FUCKING C U

yaoi prince
didnt get no msgs so dont see what u on LOL and omfg i have barely come on here so pls PLS loool man ily, it's ight we still tight omg need to catch up soon doe bb im sry
Liked by: Asmah yaoi prince

Would yuh really meet Dann IRL ..

ye man, of course. it'd be so fucking rad omg. just the thought of it makes me want to go jump around, lmfao. plus, why wouldn't i? ofjsfjajsj.
Liked by: Asmah Sarah


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