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Latest answers from Aresol

Opinion on Ninja Storm?

It's been over a decade since I've seen it, but I remember being ok with it. It's not the show that comes to mind when I think of the best of the franchise, but it's alright.

If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

Whoever I hate the most. Could be any number of people, but either way I'm taking them down with me.

If you had to pick one show to watch for the rest of your life, what would it be?

ATrehy110’s Profile PhotoAdam Trehy
That sounds like a miserable existence, but if I had to choose then I would maybe say Avatar.

If you were stuck on an island and only could have one person with you, who would you choose? Why?

Oliver Queen. One way or another, we're getting off that island.

What is your favorite source of outdoor entertainment?

Outdoor entertainment? Those words don't seem right together.

Is there a story behind your profile picture? What is it?

I made it. It's an alpaca. Alpacas are cool. Fin.

What is your favorite restaurant? Where is it located?

My favorite was a 50's style diner called Maid-Rite that had my favorite burgers. Sadly, it closed down a few years ago.
I gotta look into learning how to make those burgers.

If you could eliminate any word from the dictionary, meaning no one can ever use it again, what word would you choose?

I don't want to eliminate any words, I just want to make people use them correctly.

Language: English