
Arvin Nocon

Ask @Arvinnocon

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Are you quitting scootering and go to skateboarding? I mean you already have so much talent in scooter. Why would you let it go?

I'm not quitting scootering. I'm just not gonna be on it for awhile. I mean I already face planted hard twice because of scooters. There are reasons why I have to stop for awhile. First of all, my parents do not want me to scooter because they knew that I would probably do something crazy and they were right. But that hasn't stopped me from scootering. Second reason is I have been through a lot of injuries because of scootering. And I know that skateboarding is more difficult than scooter and can easily break something but I've been skateboarding since I was little (Not Doing tricks. Just cruising around). And I'm already pretty comfortable with skateboards already and also want to get better at it. Third reason is that scooters are waaaaayyyyyy to expensive like there is no way to buy a really good scooter that is below $200. Right? Where for skateboards, you can buy a really good setup that can only cost for about $120. Money issues is always been the problem for me because I don't work. Lol but yeah. Not quitting scooter but will stop for awhile. And start skateboarding and get better and better

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What is something you want right now?

A good weather for tomorrow. Since it was Go Skateboarding Day today but couldn't skate because of the crappy weather :( hopefully tomorrow would be atleast sunny for me and some people to skate


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