

Ask @AskIgneelTheDragon

Igneel ;; A formal farewell...

Igneel ;; …is in order. This is the last question you'll ever see answered on this blog and perhaps the last you'll ever hear of me. Hopefully things go in my favor, though at the moment it's impossible to know. I'd just like to thank all of you out there reading for your questions and support- it's been a long journey, but to get to the point we're at is astounding. Really, knowing all of you out there are supporting me is one of the greatest feelings in the world. And that's coming from me, of all plumerians. I wanted to formally tell you that I'll no longer be here, however this may not be the end of me entirely. It'll be awhile, but we may meet again. So thank you. Thank you all so very much. For everything. I hope we meet again some time soon.
Goodbye, my friends.

Are you afraid of the future?

Igneel ;; This is a phenomenal question. I can say that, from my experience, there is no man (or woman), mortal or not, who does not fear the future. The future brings change, be it bad or good- and like it or not, all things are fleeting. All things fade. And all things eventually change. That's the future, and that's why it's feared. Some people think that things, be they bad or good, will never change- however like it or not they will eventually. Contrary to popular belief bad things don't always get better, they may change into something worse- however all things do come to an end eventually. I believe that… despite the future being intimidating and uncertain, as long as you savor the time you have in the here and now then maybe… it's not as scary. The future is definitely a thing to fear. However our memories and experiences give us the strength we need to continue going, even despite that fear.

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What is your favourite TV show?

Igneel ;; I love watching cooking channels. Color me cliché, but I do. I don't watch much television myself, however I also watch lots of historical documentaries. Though, they're more like comedies for me. I mean, half the time historians are just speculating and they don't know for certain what occurred- while I do. It's a bit rude of me, though I can't help but laugh at their significant lack of knowledge.

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When you feel sad, what cheers you up?

Igneel ;; Usually a good book or some time to cool off. I also like to pay visits to local cafes when I'm upset- some healthy conversation and a slice of chocolate cake never hurt.

Have you ever heard the story of Icarus?

Igneel ;; The story of wax wings and flying toward the sun? Why yes, I have. I assume you're asking me this as a discrete way of asking my opinion on the female plumerian based upon Icarus' tale. Well, since I'm being completely honest- I find her rather attractive. She seems nice enough. I don't know much about her, as I've only recently started seeing her around- and even that is somewhat scarce. She tends to stay inside when rainy or overly windy whether predictions arise- I suspect this is because of her wings. Yes, I am aware they're not real- and are rather just a wooden frame and various feathers and bandages. Some plumerians have been chattering of finding them odd or disgusting- I think it's wrong of them to say such things. Despite their falsehood, they're not intentionally permanent. Regardless of other's rude opinions on them, I think they're… well, beautiful. They are a cruel joke of fate, what with having been permanently secured to her spine- however they're by no means ugly. I figure she puts lots of work into maintaining them, after all a wooden frame would most likely deteriorate and fall apart if not maintenanced. She seems rather reclusive, in fact I don't even know her name- but she seems nice enough. One could say I might have a small crush on her..? I don't generally get romantically involved with others though, so I can't see myself actually developing this crush into something beyond silent admiration. I hope to get to know her a bit better, on the off chance I manage to catch her attention for a moment. Though what I'm really itching to know is her name. I'll have to investigate her beyond just a glance, once I get the chance to that is.

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Do you think that an average person is more greedy or charitable than you?

Igneel ;; Not gonna lie here, a dragon's greed is a mighty strong thing. However I'm only greedy when it comes to material things such as gold or shiny trinkets- which I rationally see no practical use in stowing away- I suppose it's just a bit of the 'dragon' in me. When it comes to other things I'd say I lean more toward the charitable side. It's often I'll take one for the team or go out of my way to help others and make them smile- because quite frankly it's enjoyable for everyone. I love making new friends and sharing stories and tales with them- and in the process they get to laugh along to my various adventures and memories of those who were once beside me. But enough about me- to answer your question, yes and no.

Are you familiar with the concept of... shipping?

Igneel ;; What sort of shipping do you mean? There are several ways in which he word is used. A ship refers to both a boat and a relation-'ship'. Shipping could be sending a package from one location to another, or putting two characters with no romantic interest into a romantic situation or pairing them together romantically. So to answer your question, I suppose so?

What is the best thing to eat for breakfast?

Igneel ;; Well this morning I had an omlette and some bacon- it was rather nice. Though Belgium waffles are also superb. Today is looking like a pretty positive day, to be quite honest. Despite a little ruckus this morning, but it's all blown over now.

thoughts on Azazael?

Igneel ;; I've never met her, actually. I've only heard things about her. I don't much welcome her trade- bounty hunting. Though it is rather noble. It's somewhat like modern knights- going after dragons for treasure… actually that idiom just made me more uncomfortable never mind. I've heard that she's quiet, though that's probably just a task of the trade- after all how many loud, rambunctious bounty hunters do you know? Anyone who can kill without flinching is most likely someone you should avoid, in my opinion. I've also been told that she has a brutal sense of honesty- which reminds me of someone else I know, though we don't get along very well. I respect honesty, however sometimes you simply can't speak without considering others or the aftermath. Physically speaking she's rather bulky and muscular- of course because she's an assassin of sorts this is incredibly useful. If you're implying a romantic interest- then I'd have to say you're sorely mistaken. While she's a rather attractive lady, I'm pretty uncomfortable being around anyone who can simply take a life without so much as flinching. I've seen too many great individuals snuffed out by merciless bounts to have much respect for them, despite their obvious bravery for going after these dangerous targets. She doesn't generally seem like she'd get along with me- nor vice versa, though perhaps we might be friends if we sparked up conversation? Probably not though. The most I'll ever know about her is probably through passing glances and small talk. She's pretty, yes. But she's also got blood on her paws. While I have some on mine too- it's still horribly unnerving to be around someone who kills on a constant basis and is perfectly alright with it. That sort of thing doesn't come naturally, not at all- it's a repeat effect. After awhile it stops being a big deal. But to have performed the act so many times makes her, pure and simple, dangerous. I prefer to keep my distance form murderers.

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I'm okay with any suffix, Mr. Igneel! Tsu tsu, but Saionji-kun sounds so. . .powerful! Next question: Do you often spend time with underlings and people beneath you, or would you rather spend more time with people who are on your level?

Kin Saionji
Igneel ;; I'd prefer more individuals I see as equal to myself- however I'm not above conversing with 'underlings'. I'm generally pretty easygoing about conversation- though it's certainly no fun to debate with someone who doesn't know what they're talking about. I'd have to agree with you on Saionji-kun, it does have a rather nice ring to it.

What are your thoughts on Thylacine?

Igneel ;; He has so much potential- and yet often times he's too meek to showcase it. I believe his works are phenomenal- however whenever we converse we only seem to butt heads. Which is to say argue. I'd say it's more playful than anything, as we've yet to have any truly intimate arguments. He's pleasant- though seemingly to everyone but me.

Are you able to play any musical instrument?

Igneel ;; Why yes, actually! I can play most of them, though I consider my forte the piano. I used to play the harp- believe it or not, however it's not really appropriate for a dragon to play such a thing. The bagpipes are an instrument I'd rather steer clear of however, and I've no idea who to play them. More than content keeping it that way.

Oooh, ooh! Hello Mr. Igneel! I'm Kin Saionji, heir to the Saionji Clan! I've heard lots and lots of stories about you, and I wanted to test one of them I've heard. Tsu tsu, is it true that you like swearing filly pink scarves? *snicker*

Kin Saionji
Igneel ;; Why hello Kin. Or is Saionji-chan more preferable? Saionji-kun perhaps? Which suffix do you prefer? While it's flattering to hear others telling stories of me- I'd have to say that one's false. While I do have a fondness for neckwear- pink isn't a very sporting color on me. I get the feeling perhaps pink isn't your favorite color either- however I'm confident it would suit you far more elegantly than myself.

What's one thing you hate having to pay for?

Igneel ;; I don't mind paying for anything really, after all I've significant funds built up over the years. I do find it silly and odd how people charge money for water, however.

What is the most delicious berry?

Igneel ;; Strawberries are fantastic in my opinion. I also love blueberries, however strawberries take the cake.

What's a popular food you find disgusting?

Igneel ;; Odd question… I find chicken nuggets repulsive, that an other such fast food. I tend to gravitate towards what you would call… sit down restaurants? I prefer quality food over something you can get quickly- after all I'm rarely in any particular rush.

What's your favorite things to do in the summer?

Igneel ;; I do believe this question is worded incorrectly? I believe it's "What're your favorite things to do in the summer?" Regardless, there's not a vast amount of difference between summer and the rest of the year for me- however I adore heading down to local cafes and diners, not to mention spending a bit of time at the beach.

What do you prefer: read the newspaper, watch TV News, or check online news?

Igneel ;; I actually dislike the news, there's only ever bad news. That or the bad far outweighs the good. I prefer the newspaper however, after all I have a soft spot for Soduku and crosswords, and the comic section.

What's your favorite thing about where you live?

Igneel ;; There's a lot of open space in my cave- believe it or not even I tend to get lost from time to time. Though I can always find my way out- it's best to have an escort if you plan to visit, however.

How do you see yourself spending your time in your old age?

Igneel ;; I'm pretty old already, don't you think? I plan on living the way I do now- with a few misadventures along the way.

How much time per day do you spend on the internet?

Igneel ;; Only a couple hours or so, if that- generally to answer these questions. I've been getting quite a lot of them lately- which I have to say I'm rather thankful for.

What names do you want to give to your children?

Igneel ;; I don't plan on ever having children. However if I did I'd probably name them… actually I've never given much thought to this. I'd have to take a while to debate and find strong names with good meaning to pass to them, in the instance I even had children.

What sound annoys you the most?

Igneel ;; You know the noise plastic makes when it rubs on something suddenly? It's like nails on a chalk board to me- however obviously worse otherwise it wouldn't be the number one sound that irritates me.

On a scale of 1 to 10 how “cool” are you?

Igneel ;; Well if 1 is the least, then 1. I'm not cool- in fact as a dragon I'm rather… hot. One could say.

If you could have anything you want for dinner tonight, what would you have?

Igneel ;; A platter of sushi and a fine fruit smoothie… in fact that sounds incredibly appetizing all of a sudden. I think I'll head off to get myself something to eat, hadn't realized I was hungry until now.


Language: English