
Shorouk Diyaa

Ask @AskS68

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What sort of things would you do to amuse yourself during a car journey?

*Food -eating-
*A crazy or a good conversation with someone
*Watching the sides of the road and sky.
*A movie
*Or a game :D

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ROADTRIP! Where are you going and who are you taking with you?

Ziada 3shan bn3rf n23od mn 3'er ma ntklm, ay 7eta b3ed :'D

What's your number one rule in life?

Never get defined or try to live in peace with myself and happily till the end.
w Yasmeen bt2ol try not to kill people :'D

What kind of surprises do you like?

الّي مش سبرايس، و الّي ممكن تكون بتتضمن أكل :'D
*أكل و بحبه مش أي أكل*

If you owned a luxury yacht, what would you name it?

Yasmeen bt2ol hansmeh "yalla bena mn hena" :'D

What would you do if you found a celebrity's phone?

Nothing unusual, I'd try to give it back or give it to someone who can.

Where you do not mind waiting?

Somewhere open in a good weather and it should be quiet as well. mmm, and in an adequate place to sit y3ny brdo

What makes you get out of bed in the morning?

I don't know, I probably don't have that thing currently, but mmmm, I like mornings, the sky, birds and soft breeze, so that is maybe what gets me our of bed in the morning, the light.
-I love the light-

Why do people think being with someone is the answer to everything?

Look, I tried to write an answer for this question plenty of times and then I get lost between the points I write
Well, we romanticize relationships, we expect EVERYTHING from being a relationship, it's like the magic potion we drink and volla! we are more organized, productive and achieving than ever and all out issues, problems and insecurities are solved. We even expect unrealistic stuff, like we'd find out the reason of our existence when we're with someone, or we'd never have a bad day or get angry, all unrealistic things! The world won't be all sunny and full of rainbows, and you'll still be the same person that rushes the opposite way from their problems, dumb lazy a**.
We were also brought up with the concept of "lacking the significant other" thing, like you're never complete without an another, or even worse: You're not normal if you don't see that. No, we are humans, born with something called a brain, which gives us a *mind*, and since life is meaningless, our existence suddenly made a meaning for it, and thus, each one of us has a purpose of being and goals and things we want to achieve and all that crappy cliche we may say here.
mmmmm, I think we don't understand exactly what we're feeling in a relationship or the purpose of it. We don't know exactly we want from it as well, so we expect whatever our surroundings or the things that shaped our conscious tell us.
We idealize and simplify things irrationally and throw the burden of magically fixing and all that nonsense that's should be be written here on the feelings the partner can provide us with. I have low self-esteem? F it, they're going to fix that for me, I'm insecure about things in my life? I'd tired of the stereotypes created by whoever or whatever in the world? I have some problems with my identity? I don't know what to do with my life? I have no control over myself? etc.. And you know how they deal with that, they num their feelings about their problems and walk the opposite way to get the good feelings we can get with a good company.
Actually I tend to notice people not knowing why they're in some of their relationships, in most cases it's just an escapism, or mmm they're trying to compensate for some bad experiences they had in their lives, or mmm, the reasons are a lot, and unfortunately -and sadly- for me I haven't seen people getting together on a purpose or reasons that don't drive me to self hatred for being a human with the same features they have and with needs or whatever! So, let's hope for the best y3ny, and mmmm that's how I see the reasons for some people to think being with someone is the answer.

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What was the last gift you gave someone?

Mmmmmm, I can't remember, whicth is bad; I haven't given anyone gifts in a long time! :(

Why do girls always look good after breaking up with their boyfriends?

I think looking good makes us girls feel a little more good, not about ourselves, just good in general. So, maybe that's the reason girls look good after breakups or something; to lesen their shit-like feelings and situations.
Side note: I don't think it's normal to doubt that they are " feeling great" after a break up, because they are no humans then, or that it was an abusive relagtionship then and she's feeling super about finally moving on with her life, and that will be a whole new story. :D ", because

kol sana wenty tayeba ya shoroo2, wish u a wonderful year ahead and wish u the best fe 7yatk isa 😸😸

Abudeiiif, shokrn lek gdn! :)) w enta tyb :D :)


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