

Ask @BeeLika

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A gente confia demais. Erra demais. Acredita demais. Quebra a cara '' Aprende '' E depois, faz tudo de novo, achando que vai ser diferente

quem é?

E a day?

oq tem ela??
estamos nos falando normal, apenas nos desentendemos por uma coisinha besta e agora estamos de booa'

I don't even care if your a BRAZILIAN or what? I'm also a Belieber. I'm just saying stop messing around with Selena Gomez. Muchaca el puta :P So if u don't like Selena just stay out okay suck up! Gracias and adios.... -__-

oh my egg haha love you too my fan
I still be very hot Brazilian, right there you excuse just be a fan of selenator, here is belieber justin here is the

What did u say to Selena Gomez? A cat huh? She's not a cat at all! She's a girl a HUMAN BEING! Never, say that to Selena! Selena is a nice person. Jealous much :P

haha laughing at you that does not leave anonymous
please exit to say something, I am Brazilian and Belieber, delicious, and you al be a useless
and I say what I hate selena, any problem?
each like something ok?


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