

Ask @BoloBag

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Ahaha, you're funny as well!! But hey! Nerves mate, nerves!!

Hahah thanks :P and fair enough but nothing to be nerves about hehehe I don't bite and im not good looking sooo :P

Ahaha that isn't me o.o I only know two daynas, and yet their names are spelt completely different... But hi :)

Oh ok im so confused but hi come off anon

I'm not a friend, sadly :( I've been following you for a bit and yeah.. :) xx

o.O but you said you were a friend of hers? and Just come off anon so I can follow you back idc who you are or what you look like just wanna know who is following me cause I follow back if someone is following me

Well..you're bloody attractive and sweet and lovely. NUFF said :) okay bye xx

Thanks but what friend are you -.-

Worst drunken mistake?

Hmmmmmm I haven't ad any lol buuuuut I REALLY hate drinking so much and spewing its fuckin GROSS hahaha but I haven't drunk in ages tho


Language: English