

Ask @BoloBag

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I think your brendon with a bit of a butt -.- CAUSE YOU WONT LISTEN TO MY SONG!!!

Babycakes69’s Profile PhotoSkylaReilly
Ok i have no idea what i just read you made no sense just saying lol and i cbf listening to it lol
Liked by: Kaaadie

Do it i dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cause shes going to get the bash then ima bolt for it!

Babycakes69’s Profile PhotoSkylaReilly
im not gonna do it she is a girl im not allowed to hit girls and would never hit a girl jesus what do you think i am
Liked by: Kaaadie SkylaReilly

No . You must listen to it !!!! ^.^ FUCK YES IM GOING TO BASH HER IF SHE WONT STOP!!!!!!!!!

Babycakes69’s Profile PhotoSkylaReilly
No. can not be fucked listening to it and fucking aye man she fucks me off when she does that makes me wanna slap her lol
Liked by: Kaaadie

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OMG OFC I FUCKING CARE SHIT MAN! never fucking mind then! ill find out myself

MaraWT’s Profile PhotoWawaBear ❤
Then why wont you promise me you wont say anything cause if you do then i will get a hiding fuck man just chill out and just don't try and find out yourself cause they will just keep saying its me cause they are just fucking backstabbers just if you REALLY wanna know then fucking promise you wont say anyting Tamara its not that hard to promise it and just ignore that person you don't HAVE to confront them
Liked by: Kaaadie

oh for fuck sakes. whatever.

MaraWT’s Profile PhotoWawaBear ❤
Well im protecting myself here to man you don't have to think about yourself...... fuck man do you really wanna see me get a hiding and not be able to defend myself? like seriously fuck man id rather not get a hiding and not being able to defend myself shit man like i said the ONLY way you will be able to know is if you PROMISED me you wont say anything to that person or to ANYONE else but you promise it so i cant fucking tell you man don't go off at me cause i don't want to get a hiding shit man just calm the fuck down shit man don't blame me for not telling you i just don't want to get a hiding cause of you its almost happened once and do you care probably not.....
Liked by: Kaaadie

i cant do that. if people who are "friends" with me are spreading shit, why wouldnt i say something?

MaraWT’s Profile PhotoWawaBear ❤
Cause it would prevent ME from getting a hiding from your cause do you really want to be the cause of me getting a hiding? or do you not care about that either?
Liked by: Kaaadie

OMG then whats the point in telling me at school?!?!?! my god! just TELL ME MAN!

MaraWT’s Profile PhotoWawaBear ❤
Cause i wanna resolve shit to fuck i don't want us to fully stop talking cause that is just shit and PROMISE you fucking wont saying ANYTHING FUCKING THING TO ANY FUCKING BODY then PROMISE
Liked by: Kaaadie

OMG how can they see it if its in MY ask box???? i wont fucking answer it!! god. calm your farm.

MaraWT’s Profile PhotoWawaBear ❤
i am calm i was just trying to get it through to you and no cause you probs would confront them and then they will know who told you then again it will lead up to me getting a hiding
Liked by: Kaaadie

no just tell me in my ask???

MaraWT’s Profile PhotoWawaBear ❤
I FUCKING CANT MAN SERIOUSLY FUCK DID YOU FUCKING READ WHAT I SAID SHIT MAN I FUCKING CANT TELL YOU OVER THIS BECAUSE THE PERSON WILL FUCKING SEE IT AND THEN I WILL PROBS END UP GETTING A FUCKING HIDING JUST LISTEN FOR FUCKING ONCE MAN, if you really wanna know like i said you will have to talk to me on fucking Monday shit man and also have to resolve things cause shit this is just gonna get worse and worse and fucking worse which i don't really want to fucking happen ive given you a months and bit worth of fucking space how much mother fucking space do you need SHIT man just the only way im gonna tell you is at fucking school that is it fuck im not keen to get a fucking hiding knowing im not allowed to defend myself
Liked by: Kaaadie

OMFG BRENDON! just TELL ME, SHIT! i wanna know so that i dont speak to that person again! and STOP WITH THE ICE CREAM THING! PLEASE!

MaraWT’s Profile PhotoWawaBear ❤
WHOA DONT NEED TO FUCKING CAPS LOCK ME SHIT MAN, and like i said i seriously cant fucking tell you over the internet for that person to see man do you really want to get me a hiding fuck man id rather not get a hiding man cause i know i cant fight back this person, but like i said if you fucking let me talk to you at school or somewhere else i could fucking tell you things man but noooo you don't fucking wanna listen fuck man just calm your mother fucking way the fuck down man why is it we cant talk to one another without one of us getting fucking angry but tbh recently its been you the one getting angry fucking hell man just fucking chillax if you wanna fucking talk, talk at fucking school on Monday shesh man that is the ONLY way i can fucking tell you but if i do tell you PROMISE you fucking wont say ANYTHING cause if you do you will honestly get me a fucking hiding

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omfg really? i cant relax! i already told you! and you talked to my cousin? i dont know why you did that, you barely know him. and just TELL ME i will believe you.

MaraWT’s Profile PhotoWawaBear ❤
I was trying to be nice and say sup that's all i didn't say anything after that jesus man and you can relax just eat ice cream cause i know that relaxes you or get toni to give you a massage or some shit and its not something i can say over the internet ok so i literally cant and i don't really wanna tell you cause i know you will confront that person and then it will just make things worse for me more then it already is but just trust me when i say i have not been spreading those rumours i swear on my life i haven't ok i promise you i haven't but again i seriously cant tell you over internet

oh what ever then! just dont fcking talk about me with other people?how about that??? and you actually should tell me so i can find out whos been talking SHIT and telling me to die! i cant relax when i have people saying that to me! and idc what you said to him i just dont know why you talkd to him?

MaraWT’s Profile PhotoWawaBear ❤
What you mean what ever then? and the only person i talk about you to is Fidel (Nothing Bad) and i don't want to tell you who has been saying the rumours cause you wont believe me and i told you i have NO IDEA who the fuck has been sending you that shit telling you to go die fuck man seriously nd talked to who? who did i talk to ? i am literally confused now like seriously Just seriously RELAX you always think to much i know you do ok so just STOP thinking so much and RELAX ok breath eat fucking ice cream idk just don't fucking worry about it shit

NOT ABOUT THAT MAN!!! ohmygod! just about fucking EVERYTHING! like why do THEY care if i just TALK to other people man?? cant i fucking live??? and they would only know that if you said something cos its EXACTLY what you would say! so dont even try to deny.

MaraWT’s Profile PhotoWawaBear ❤
I haven't said anything? about that man fuck why the fuck do you not trust me I have already found out who has been talking shit and spreading the rumours man fuck but there is no point telling you who it is cause you wont fucking believe me shit man and its not my fucking fault what they are saying shit man its there mind there mouth there choice weather or not they have a go at you shit man so don't have a go at me and blame me for nothing fuck, just kick the fuck back and ignore them like I have fucking told you 10000000 times man but obviously you didn't fucking listen as normal just kick back and relax man there is absolutely no reason to get mad at me fuck I don't nothing to you but try to resolve shit with you and your fucking family and btw all I fucking said to your fucking cousin was SUP that is it man fuck you guys just need to stop with that shit man can a dude not fucking resolve shit without getting told off by someone or fucking raged at or about..... fuck man you guys just need to kick back a remember the shit I fucking did man talk about sounding ungrateful fuck man

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and can you not go telling everyone shit because its like they're fucking stalking my every move. thanks.

MaraWT’s Profile PhotoWawaBear ❤
Haven't told anyone anything? just saying? I only tell people I trust and tht wouldn't say anything which I will not name, names cause you might get mad at the or me for say stuff and NO I have not mentioned ANYTHING about ........... ok just sayin

ok, if the things that "anons" are saying isnt you, why wont they come off anon and tell me that? they said they were my "friend" HAH some friend they are. If it isn't you can you tell them to fuck off? i dont care what you or anyone else think. I cant do what i want.

MaraWT’s Profile PhotoWawaBear ❤
Idk maybe there scared? shiet but straight up I don't even know who the fuck it is and I never said you cared what I thought? I haven't said anything to you? apart from can we talk and I also never said anything bout you not doing what you want or anything? and if I did know who it was you know I would tell them to fuck off like seriously you know I would Tamara but im sorry people are saying that shit to you ok I have NOTHING to do with it and you made it pretty clear you don't want my help so im not helping you! sooo yea I am sorry that its happening tho don't know why but I am

white girls or brown girls when it comes to slays and why?

fullycaringcomeatme’s Profile PhotoTori
Idk tbh not being racist or nothing but probs white girls I guess maybe both


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