

Ask @BoloBag

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what do u think is the difference between just being alive or truly living

Just being alive is living your life but not having fun but TRULY living your life is going out and having fun while you still can :D

Man, Hurry up and do it, you were all depressed like a bitch before Should of just done it then

Thats before :D Not now sorry to burst you little psycho bubble there :D but it aint gonna happen ^.^ Peace Mr.Anon :D

no offence but thats too bad couz i dont want u to know who i am

Why would that be offensive? Algoods your choice if you wanna stay on anon lol

but i dont want u to know who i am...thats the point of anon

But what if i wanna know who you are?

First two people to like this like 20 of their answers?

First liker gets 3 questions cause i cant like
No likes ok
Liked by: Beste

If you could try out any job for a day, what would you like to try?

Oh shit idk fuck lol thats a tough question i cant answer


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