

Ask @BoloBag

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wtf wtf ! oml how do u know its me all the time XD

well its a coincidence how you got that exact same question on your page ;)

lol because your status's are depressing!! you ooze depression, suicide, and grumpiness hahah. chillout.. and yeah I smoke dope :3it sends me to a different universe lol .. dropout t(-.-t) but any way's enjoy being a bum LOL.... kidding xD (im drunk btw) SOZ

Well idgaf who you are and i dont do depression shit or suicide shit you fucktard last time i did something like that was when my ex dumped me because it hurt me now stfu and take your piece of shit somewhere else you piece of shit dont act like you know me you dropkick, and FYI the whole time ive been out of school ive been working so stfu cunt i aint no bum but clearly later in life you are gonna fail considering you smoke that shit you looser, and probs gonna die of cancer which i will not care if you do

just curious... but why do you have to be such a fucking downer on everything? Just move on with life, smoke some dope, and enjoy life NIGGA!! haha.

Ummm just curious why do you think im down? cause im not hahahah shame cunt dont act like you know me and why would i be a low life like you and smoke dope for, you dropkick
Liked by: Nikita Rowe Walker

O.o who said that .......................0-------------------0 im doing some detective work

how the fuck would i know hahah

hahahaha good boy :) imm allways right ................................ever when i kick ur ass at c.o.d *cough* *cough*

Oh what ever you dreamer

........ezio auditore is the hottest game charactor in the world :3 FUCK ELLIE ;) ahahha

Im a guy you egg but yes Ezio is the man

"would you date a girl who self harms" why yeaa and no?

i would and i would try and get her to stop if she didnt stop then id leave her JBH no hate


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