

Ask @BoloBag

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anyone can fucking delete those answered questions so dont think youre funny.. i know youre the anon docx.. just give it up.

again WHY the FUCK would i even wanna send ANYTHING to you when 1. you don't like me at all and 2. i don't like to shit steer and i aint trying to be funny i'm being dead serious -.- i haven't sent ANYTHING to you apart from those two messages -.- i was playing League of FUCKING Legends and BF 3 the whole time why would i waste my time on you for???

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swt ya sook lol

And i'm a sook how? for keeping to myself and not wanting to start shit, ooooh yup makes A LOT of sense :) chuurr, and does it look like i was the one sending you the anon questions??? see the big L at the bottom that's League of Legends that's what ive been playing this whole time and ive been playing BF 3 on ps3 sooooo yea go fig how i done it aye :)

bro.. speak your mind to me then.. run it straight then docx. Keen az to hear/read this.

No... like i said ive changed, okay i aint gonna start shit over the internet or in person okay.... you just need to kick back and leave me alone and stop blaming me for the anons on your page seriously. Just go away please cause i aint gonna say shit okay i aint a shit starter, so just kick back, stick to your page, keep your opinions to yourself and leave me alone yea :) and have a good life :)

obciously youve got time for that.. anoning yourself.. hahaha brendon give it up!!! youre the anon and the one on your page lol

Real Agnes like i said i aint gonna change your mind soooo yea.... think what you want and i aint any anon on my page or anyone's page i come off anon all the time cause i aint scared to speak my mind the only reason i haven't spoken my mind to you is cause i don't wanna fuck shit up between me and Jaydon because he is a good dude and a good friend and he is one of the people who know ive changed. but obviously you don't know but continue thinking what you want honestly cause i'm not gonna wast my breath on you.

far they love accusing you o.o

yea but oh well like i said let them think what they want, aint nobody got time for that.
Liked by: Dareen

Go sort Agnes out she thinks you are the one sending her shit on her page!!

Nah idc tbh aye let her and others think what they wanna think i get accused by almost everyone in there class so i just don't give a flying fuck :) i'm just gonna stay out of it like ive been doing because............. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFEoMO0pc7kBoloBag’s Video 61967359942 bFEoMO0pc7kBoloBag’s Video 61967359942 bFEoMO0pc7k
Liked by: Dareen

Thoughts on people who cut?

idk..... I use to but really idk what to say sometimes its for a dumb reason and its stupid and then again it could be for a good reason and yea it can be completely understandable but no matter wht they are still people but people who decide to harm themselves but personally I really don't think people should harm themselves no matter what they should just look at the bright side I mean look at the kiddies in Africa with nothing they have a much harder life then anyone in countries like New Zealand, USA, Australia etc etc soo yea
Liked by: Megan Courtney

What causes you to panic?

almost crashing into someone but then doing a snaky and then hand braking it to save mine and my brothers and that persons life :P
Liked by: Megan

To all I follow: Opinion on me :) oh.. and here is your heart soz I kinda stole it ;D omfg that was so bad.. anyway here <3

you just to awesome for a long opinion on you lol and way to pretty as well hahaha you are just perfect and amazing :) I salute you with Awesomeness :) <3
Liked by: Megan


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