
Brendan Wagstaff

Ask @BrendanWagstaff

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Are you attracted to Drew

He's rly creepy and gross and stuff so no
I'm pretty super attracted to the person I'm dating tbh

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I know but commonly the woman takes the mans last name so it's an easier decision because society and whatever, so what I'm asking is how exactly would a gay couple make the same decision

They just would
It's a personal decision

When two gay people get married, who keeps their last name and who changes it? Or do they not change their last names at all?

That's to be decided by the people getting married
Just as it is in heterosexual marriage
(You do know the woman doesn't have to take the mans name, it can go the other way)

what do you mean by aesthetically nice

Like they look nice??? idk I really did not want to sound shallow because I'm the opposite, so I phrased it that way

do you get along better with males or females

Not really either???? Like equally??? idk people are people but my most talked to people on facebook are all female friends so apparently females

yes in a romantic relationship

ummm ummm nice?? unique??? funny??? shared interests??? aesthetically nice would be super cool?????


Language: English