
Cade "The Tan James" Beebe

Ask @Cadicus47

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Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?

dont fricken question me you dont know my intentions *vigorusly pushes button*

anon tbhs?

1. lmao ur like my brother u fricken nob
2. glad to see you as happy as you are compared to when we first met :D
3. good luck on that kickstart with that animator guy m8. im actually sooo proud of you.
4. u smell like pears, gg ur fricken gr8 friend
5. holy crap move to vancouver u nob so we can make fun of the guys for not being here lmaO
6. bruh we have twin lifes, ur like my twin lmao
7. holy crap ur super nice and beautiful like holy but i dont stand a chance 😂😂
8. friends forgive, lets fo that
9. ^^
10. whatever happens happens for a reason. i got ur back man
Liked by: sarah

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Tbh cade ur super sweet nice & caring and a genially great person!!! I miss having gameready with u but I think I'm coming back soon ! So I'll hopefully see u there

sorry for the late response my phone is being dumb. yeah i still ahvent been back to GR but im nagging my parents to send me back lmao

What are your favorite inside jokes?

street donks
hey guys
you too rick ross
we're high on life
darnit lost em
lemme hit dat lumbricus
u knob
Liked by: SKIBBZ

What is your definition of pure happiness?

me right now. im sooo happy with my life rn. even tho i just lost a friend to a drunk driver and im single af. idc im happy :D

Anyone you concerned for?

A friend of mine believes he let everyone down by not being able to finish something that he wasn't ready to do. Little does he know his talent is one of the most significant things i've ever seen. If he reads this, i'd like him to know that he aint ever going to let us down. Never.
Liked by: SKIBBZ

What was the last time you were angry? What happened?

the most recent time i raised my voice was when somebody insisted they were "fine" eventually i got it out of them


Language: English