

Ask @Catushka91

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well,i'm a HUGE belieber and I love Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Lana Del Rey and some of the old classics like Queen Rolling Stones. Many people think it's weird 'cause I'm 13 and I know who Rolling Stones are. :D What's your favorite band?

haha i figured that you were a belieber;) and i love some of his songs too*____*
and oooh i love all the others that you have listed:
I think it's really cool that you love the Rolling Stone even though you are 13. you should be proud of that:)
hmm, favourite bands let's see: kings of leon, 30 seconds to mars, florence and the machine (does that count as a band?:D), maroon 5, coldplay, snow patrol....:)
Liked by: лило

i think getting old happens just in a blink. i bet we will look back & wonder how we got that old in such a short time. ooooh yeah! in which year would you like to travel? :D

it really does. and i think i'm still lucky, because i look a lot younger then my age...well, it's not always so good, but hopefully when i'm 50, i'll look a few years younger xDD
ohhh that's a tough one, i actually don't know in which era i'd like to go. But the 20s fascinate me:)

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No I did it myself I've done watched it off. not more

yeah, you cut them apart, and put them in different orders...most of the parts you used are from my videos...

awwww a little heat is good, isn't it? ^^ oh, and let's be old ladies together, so than we can go and rule the world? are you watching once upon a time, btw? because if yes, we could get regina and she might help us with her magic powers or voldemort (but he's dead.. lets time travel):D

i could really use some heat right now that's for sure:D
and being old ladies is fun, a lot of times i really feel like one, but then again i'm paranoid of getting old...which is pretty useless, because duh,ofc i'm gonna get old:D
and i don't watch ouat but i think i know who regina is, so i'm all for that plan xD and time travel sound pretty good too, i always wanted to do that

I said it, I copied the videos but it's my material.

and copying makes them yours? are you listening to yourself?
never mind the fact that you didn't copy them, just used them :D

I will not delete the videos. Why? There are mine.

Alright, i'm writing a list right now...in which everyone will see seconds by seconds where those parts in "your videos" came from. Why are you even doing this? Seriously?

Sorry. I can not.

yes you can, you can tick the box, and then click delete.
look, i saw you already disabled the comments and the ratings...so now what's the point of keeping them?

awww of course i support you.you are sweet, kind, nice, epic just awesome and you deserve every support :) & i agree with you& it's the youth, i tell you. all those kids who think they own the world & are so cool and just ugh. i really want to punch them in the face OR throw them against the wall ;)

asdfghjkjhgf*_____* thank you sooo much, you are making me blush right now...even it this effing cold xDD
oh god, don't even get me started on the youth today.. i sound like an old lady, but srsly..they render me speechled so many times xDD
and your last sentence is just EPIC, made me laugh soo hard:D and ofc agree with you:)

all i can say: climate warming. btw, i even tried too to talk sense into this girl (if its a girl),but she won't listen. &the worst part is, she's german too....jiha. i feel so much better about it... *cough* not *cough* &she said she's young, so it's no surprise she won't admit to it. which is sad

it really is the climate warming, and i hate every minute of it:D
and thank you sooo much for that, it really means the world to me to have your support<3333
the fact that she is young, makes it a little better, but still... i just don't get it. And i really don't wanna come off as a bitch here, because i really am not, but i have limits too.
Haha well, let's say there are cool germans *wink*...and not-so-cool ones...

There really are my videos.!!!!!!!

Yes, yes of course they are!
And i just looooove how you never EVER react to anything i say or answer my questions. Nice.

get one! ;D loool, same here! it's raining and windy just no june weather! even tho, i don't like it when it's too hot. i like it when it's so in between warm&cold :D

i really should haha:D:D
oh damn, so it's not only here, where the weather sucks! and i'm with you about that, i really love spring the most, but spring wasn't too good this year either...not fair:D

I also do not remove the videos Why it's my material. And can you please tell your subscribers they will hear my comment on videos

Robsten Is Unbroken(✔)
it is NOT yours, for God's sake...and here i thought that you finally realized this.
Do you want me to list all my videos that can be found in "your" videos??
because i can do that, i can list them with timings and everything!

Katherine is so much better than Elena.. and I'm really pissed to Julie Pleck (I don't know if I write her name right :D). I have to ask you.. who are your favorite singers?

Oh yeah, i heard that a lot of people are very unhappy with her right now:D
Tough question, because i don't really have favourites:/
But lately i've really been loving Emeli Sande, Ed Sheeran, The Wanted, Demi Lovato, Jason Mraz, Marcus Foster's new album<3 and gosh, i can't remember anything now...i just love a lot of SONGS i guess:)
what about you?

with an ice-machine everything is possible ;) my favorites are cinnamon, yogurt, raspberry, strawberry, banana and this Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream. What's yours?

then i NEED an ice-machine:D:D
and oooh those are yummy flavours! i really like fruity stuff in ice-creams, like stramberry+yogurt, blueberry+yogurt, but i'm loooving banana+chocolate too, oh and anything with coconuts in it:D:D
too bad that it's sooo freaking cold here, even though it should be hot in June:( my hands are freezing off xD

I'm really sorry. It is my material but I have my videos done so exactly like yours. Because I love your videos. It's sad that all do not like my videos at once. I'm really sorry. Can you forgive me, I promise to stop.

Robsten Is Unbroken(✔)
Look, even if you did everything like in my videos, that wouldn't be okay, because that would be copying.
But i know they come straight from my videos cause i know my editing AND i recognize my colorings too.
And i'm really happy if you like my videos, but believe me, it'd feel so much better if you did a whole video by yourself, and not by cutting out parts from my and other people's videos and then putting a video together from those parts. That's not how vidding works :/
I'll forgive you, if you delete (or at least make them private) the videos in which you used my or other people's videos and if you never do this in the future. We all download a ton of pictures,interviews,clips and then look for the right moments for our videos, which takes a LOT of time. So it's understandable when someone just reuses your video, which we worked so hard on. Can you see why it's unfair?
Please, i'm really asking you nicely, because i don't want to fight: just remove those videos, and in the future make videos that are fully yours!
Thank you

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Liked by: Jana

I would like you to stop so to accuse me otherwise I log this is my work. Do not be so conceited. It's very sad :(

Robsten Is Unbroken(✔)
Well, it's good to know that I'm conceited. Shows me how u don't me at all.
If u read the description box below the video you know that I even asked people to not be rude, because I didn't anyone to be called names.
And can you honestly tell me that you haven't got some of my videos downloaded onto your computer and that you have never ever used them as material in your videos? Can you really tell me that with your hand on your heart?

I would like you remove my name from your Coan video if not I log.

Robsten Is Unbroken(✔)
And I would llike you stop this nonsense.
It's really interesting that when I asked u to tell me the difference between my Cannes video and "yours" except the changed music and the cut out info parts you suddenly decided to not answer me.
I don't understand you

have you ever regretted your yt aka vidding life??

- A) i met so many amazing people there and even "found" a best friend *wink*wink*
- B) i just loooove vidding, even though i can get so upset by it, when nothing is working out xDD
- C) i didn't lost my knowledge in english :D:D
Liked by: Natalia

tell me about the best day of your life so far ;)

oooh tough one, cause you know my memory issues:D
and i was thinking so hard before i could come up with an answer, but here is it.
so idk if you guys had this in russia or not, but here in hungary every class goes on a "classtrip" every year for 3-4 days, just the class, nobody else. and in our last year in high school for some reason we didn't go, and we were so disappointed by that because we LOVED those trips.
so anyways, we decided that we'll organize our own trip. we were so badass, making reservations and all that shit, we felt so independent, "just" the 15 of us (not the whole class wanted to come, just the cool ones like us xD) having 3 days of fun in an apartment with a pool and the river next to it. it was soooo much fun*____* i was lucky to actually have a great class, both in high school and elementary school:)

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Liked by: Natalia

so i wanna be awesome ;DD if you could move to any place in the world what place would it be and why??

you are already awesome, don't even have to try;)
and oooh i have a few places!
in no order:
- London - because ohmygod i just love everything that is English/British, and i wanna go to pubs to drink beer and listen to awesome music on open-mic nights *sigh* but the weather would piss me off
- LA - because who doesn't wanna live there? and i'm such a fangirl, i'd totally expect and demand to see celebritites! and heeey it's never cold there *major bonus points*
- Saint Petersburg - can you guess why?? i'm gonna tell you anyways, there is this one amazing girl who lives there and i would sooooo love to at least live in the same city with her!! and i also think it's an amazing city, even though i know this girl would not necessarilly agree with me :D
Liked by: Natalia

it's not true, phewwww XD oh, i'm fine. and hungry as well. my mom is making ice-cream again and i can't wait until it's finished :)

mygod!! your mom can make ice-cream?? seriously?? that's a dream come true haha:D:D what is your favourite flavour in ice-cream?:)
ps. it IS true!!


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