

Ask @Chobow

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Whom do you consider to be a hero of our times?

Hmm this is actually a good question. I don't think I have a good answer for that because everyone has their own heros and I still there is so many people fighting for justice.. I really can't pick one :/

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PK lol, c'est bien :) tu voulais un truc en particulier ?

Disons que je peux pas faire grand chose avec et que je vais pas forcément aux magasins qui utilisent le chèque ^^

What is the weirdest word in your language?

Well In France it would be "anticonstitutionellement"... I think so...

I feel to weak right now... Powerless, how do i change that?

But the thing is you are powerful. Maybe not physically but at least mentally. Every one is! You really have to figure it out! I think you should do something bold! Maybe do something to take over your life; it can be simple as saying hello to a person you've always wanted to speak with! Don't be afraid of doing what makes you happy

Tu es plus Chris Pine, Hemsworth ou Evans ?

CyriellePrisci’s Profile Photo
AAAH C'EST TROP DUR! Je dirais Hemsworth? Parce qu'il est juste adorable? Ou Pine? Mais Evans... UGH
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Imagine, tu deviens extrêmement riche et donc t'as plus besoin de travailler. Tu t'ennuies et décides de prendre quand même un travail. Quel serait-il ?

Je deviendrais surement peintre ou alors faire des trucs manuels... M'enfin je sais pas x)
Liked by: Gayle

Quel personnage de série TV tu aimerais avoir comme ami-e ? et comme amant-e ? et comme parents ?

Ami: Leonard sachant que Sheldon n'est pas basé amis
Amant: Joe (Under The Dome) parce que mini Sam dans Supernatural aussi
Parents: Marshall et Lily!
Liked by: Gayle

Quelle est la réplique de film qui te donne envie de t'enfouir sous un océan de couvertures ?

Jack: Tell you what, we coulda had a good life together! Fuckin' real good life! Had us a place of our own. But you didn't want it, Ennis! So what we got now is Brokeback Mountain! Everything's built on that! That's all- we got, boy, fuckin' all. [...] I wish i knew how to quit you.
Ennis: [crying] Well, why don't you?
-Brokeback Mountain.

What motivates you?

Going away. I don't know! I just do what I have to do to leave this place!


Language: English