
Cameron Dallas

Ask @ChristianFruitloopLandry

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you're ruining yourself :c aren't you ashamed that you're drinking and smoking and taking drugs? ._.

Why would I be ashamed about the things every teenager does?
Ya know I drink when I'm sad or with friends
I smoke pot when I'm with friends or sad
I smoking cigarettes because I don't care
I have enough stress and these things help take it off for a night
Just to forget about EVERYTHING and have a good time for a while.
What's so bad about that?

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Are you okay ? :/ It's not fair that everyone's teaming up on you. Christian and Austin have their own business to deal with and to everyone who's sending hate to either one, piss off and let them deal with it by themselves.

Austin doesn't even fucking understand this
He's bitching about me on his profile and ignoring me.
Ffs idec

Well that other person who has your username.. You have WAY MORE questions than him. So he copied you. Lol

Well no one copied anyone. It doesn't matter who has more what. I had NO idea who he was, therefore I couldn't copy his name.
Liked by: Kristaa Brey liora Abi c:


Language: English