
Cameron Dallas

Ask @ChristianFruitloopLandry

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right?! idk, some people need to learn to accept. it's not their life, it's yours.

Thank you! I agree it's really really annoying.
Liked by: Will Babs

It really bugs me when I see people hating on you because you are gay. Some of my bestfriends are gay and they are the most amazing people ever I wouldn't want to change them for the world <3 you are amazing & I'm glad you don't let people get to you, i know I don't know you but id like to:

Erica Irwin ❤️❤️
Thank you so much. But if I'm going to be as open about my sexuality some people aren't going to like it very much. Hate is something I'm always going to have to face and sometimes they have a good point. But if they are just going to come in here and say "faggot" or "you stupid fag die" Then I'm going to ignore it and just tell them to shut up. I suggest you don't let it get to you either because you are just giving them what they want. But yet again I thank you <3
Liked by: Will Babs

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How did you come out to people that you're not close to?

To the people I'm not close to? Oh they found in there way, things get around really quick so if you aren't close to them don't worry to much about telling them.
Liked by: Will Babs

How did you and josh meet? You guys are like Perfect together!!!!!

Well I saw his cute ass on ask.fm and I sent him a thing telling him that he's fucking adorable and then we started talking over Facebook :3
Liked by: Will Babs

Sorry, i don't know you but you and that Josh are so damn cute together!!!:3

Awh thank you hun! But we aren't together yet!

AWEH someone make the first move already<3 you guys are tooooo cutee :) I'm like crying, you too are so cutteee <3

The first move was made as of today <3


I think he's bi but I'm not to sure, I have him blocked on Facebook so I couldn't tell you.
Liked by: Kat Oats

one day, i hope i can have a relationship as awesome as you&josh. \(^.^)/

Awh thank you so much! But we aren't in a relationship yet <3
Liked by: Josh


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