
Christian Haddad

Do you often feel like no matter what you do, you'll still be living in your sister's shadow?

I think it has gotten a little better. It used to be I was always "Andie's brother". Sure some people don't look at me the same way than if she wasn't my sister, but she is, and I wouldn't change that for the world.
So in short, it'll still be there, but I'm fine with it.

Latest answers from Christian Haddad

worst/best qualities?

Well, my insecurities are of course one of my flaws. But the good stuff, I feel I'm generally a nice person. My parents raised me that way.

Lil gey boi lol ur a lil gey boi wenna fite? I'd oun u irl jaha lol les go lil gey boi u ernt redy 4 my muvs

What in the fuck? If I knew what you were saying, I would try to respond, because it took a lot of effort trying to form words, didn't it?

Is your muffin buttered? Would you like someone to butter your muffin?

My muffin is not buttered. I do not have a muffin.
Can I go buy a muffin?

Can you see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?

It's a nutritious part of a healthy breakfast?

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