
King Connector

Ask @ConnectorThePresident

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Not at all interesting.

Nothing I ever post is all that interesting. But you have to be impressed by the sheer volume. I really could care if you are interested, cause it really doesn't matter in the big picture.
There maybe a couple people who enjoy my long winded sports, there maybe some haterz that think it maybe wasted space on the internet.
Could I ask what you are interested in? Cussing? Megan Fox? My teenie weenie 25 ft hdmi cable?
I dunno, you gotta give me some direction on how I can make your life more interesting, I got no clue. And honestly I only care very little. But go ahead, ask me something interesting, but no cussing cause my ask page is rated G, for Hoggy. :)

Do you like watching musicals?

Not really. Only maybe Disney cartoons like Beauty and the Beast or Lion King.

Do you watch ign iPhone garbage on YouTube?

No, Toucharcade was the only forum site that I am active in. Used to be really active in the xbox scene. One of the leading guys in the xbox scene. So now I am on Toucharcade in terms of joystick and hdmi tv support for ios gaming.
But lately with all the headaches in the chatroom, TA slowing to a crawl, and most threads flamewars or hatez on freemium convert bait and switches, $100 inapps, or massive early adopter shafting, TA is getting kinda boring. It's too bad, I used to really like it.
But the reality is that due to developer greed and early adopters that stupidly buy $100 inapps, ios gaming will change forever. It sucks, and it ain't TA's fault, but it is the sign of the times. I was talking to a mod yesterday, he told me one reason is cause now there are so many children on TA now, and that the older folk have mostly left.
I too somewhat agree. With both factors, plus the chatroom being a reporting nuclear war, TA is not nearly as good as it was 6 months ago.
Anyone recommend some good forum sites to me for anything, not just ios gaming. I would like to check out some cool forums, especially maybe some social ones so we can migrate the chatroom there. Thanks, just ask me the info. Bye my friend!

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What course are you studying?

Well, I graduated from UCLA with a BS in electrical engineering. So I am an old fart. Not the oldest person in the chatroom, but maybe close cause we have so many teeangers, and I know that ninjack is younger than me. But I am still young at heart, and I can still party, even if I am an old fart.
Liked by: MortZ

Greyskull's in timeout?

Yeah, he came into the chatroom last night. His purpose? I got no idea. Guess he saw the ruckous going on in the chatroom about the double posting chatgate. I guess he figured this was a good time to rebel about a couple of different issues.
He started 5 posting, two were deleted. The deleted losts were very interesting. He actually admitted he was manefaces. The first post seemed to be a sassing of the mods that he was a rebel and was an odd rant about manefaces.
The second deleted post, was all a rant on how he wasn't a sexual pervert and how he had class, and I suppose he was bitter about Midian's comment that Greyskull was a sexual pervert, and Greyskull was upset by some of us joking about it. For the record, I thought Greyskull was funny, sexual jokes don't phase me one bit.
The last sentence of his post, I did quote, so it is public record. It said that I sucked at being a thread mod for the chatroom. Two mods pmed me about the whole mess asking me what Greyskulls intents were, guess they were trying to determine how long to put him into timeout. I responded that I thought he was joking, if not give him a break, he's just mad about the perv stuff.
Anywayz, instead of giving him a 3-5 day timeout, they gave him a one day timeout. Greyskull if you ever read this, I'm sorry, my post of the cartoon after Midian's comment was a joke, I thought your whole thing about flowers was just a joke. So this is the whole story. Is it interesting?

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I don't need your damn promo codes...

Ok, then the next time we meet, I will buy you a beer and a condom.

Seems like TA moderators are too strict. Except CygnetSeven and EchoSeven. Agree?

Well, I have talked to many mods about the chatroom. They have always asked for my help to regulate things in the thread. But as you know, we are a wild rebellious group, and everytime we party, we get like 7 timeouts or permabans.
It is crazy. The mods told me, that certain people have been reporting a ton of posts in the chatroom and they are sick of the bickering. When NEG posted about the bickering, we were all clueless cause there is none in the chatroom. But what they are talking about is reported posts and having to resolve the mess.
So anyway, just as Kennyk did (he reported JBRUU, Midian, and Ninjack's posts - see all their ask pages for details) and he got permabanned cause he used a dupe account for it.
The mods have decided to keep a strict hand in the chatroom because of this and for the blatent cussing. I asked the mods a couple of times to issue warnings instead of harsh timeouts, and just edit, warn, and say if it happens again, a 3 day timeout. But they told me, too much work. Enough headaches as it is with close to 30 timeouts/permabans.
So in short, yes, they are being strict about things. It will change the chatroom forever, but surely doesn't mean it can't survive. It's up to the founders to do what they want. There already is a chatroom sandbox that we use, and I have a couple more tricks up my sleeve. I will not give up on my friends that I have made, and to the one or two haterz, go home! :)

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Liked by: MortZ

The hell? I didn't start the double posting thing, it's a rule!! And you can still post, wtf...

It's ok Ninjack, I was just joking. I was acting a little crazy, I know cause I was in a competition with killjoy to see who would be the first to doublepost. I thought the whole thing was a joke, I didn't realize he got a timeout for 2 days. So I am sure my posts were considered hurtful to him cause I was being a jerk about it. I never realized he got a timeout. So I apologize killjoy, my bad, and I will give you all the promo codes that I have that you want. I will ask you later. Forgive me Ninjackid and K1lljoy, I am human too, I have been pissed too, and kinda sassing things around. If you both never forgive me, that is ok, didn't realize this whole thing was serious about the double posting, but now that Greyskull has been put into timeout, yes, they are, so everyone be warned.

Why do double post causes timeout?

I dunno, you will have to ask the mods about that. To me, everywhere in the forum there is tons of double posting. But in the chatroom right now, it is very tense. Every double post is getting reported to the mods causing them more work, causing them to get pissed off and just put people into timeout to stop it. It all started as a joke where ninjack was calling out killjoy, and really, it is a big mess. Two members now have been put in timeout for double or triple posting, and I think they will continue to be strick about it. Why? I dunno, but from what I hear, the mods are just sick of all the reported posts and having to clean everything up. This is madness, but because of that, the mods are being very very strict about it. Why? You will have to pm a mod to find out.

Why is the Chatroom becoming so slow these few days?

Well, main reason I figure is cause there are so many timeouts, permabans, reported posts, bickering behind closed doors, and anger in general. I hope things get better, but if not, remember the good times, and the friends we made, and whover you are, you will always be my friend and find me here. :)
Liked by: MortZ

What is your avatar about?

Hehe, that is Megan Fox, the hottest lady in the universe. Actually, maybe not, I just use it cause it annoys some chatroom folk. But she's pretty hot, at least in my bed.

Have you forgotten about me? ~V

No, I don't know why they permabanned you so easily. They usually give maybe 5 day timeouts for stuff for first time offenders. Why they permabanned you I got no idea? I thought you were a dupe account, so that's why they permabanned you. Hope you are doing well!

Can we request for games to be reviewed on Toucharcade? If so, who do we contact?

Yes, go to the home page, on the top right, you will see submit tip. Type a message there. Also for timeout or permabanned people, go here to get a message to an admin. That was what was posted long ago.

So you are a king and a president...I thought that wasn't legal

Well, on Toucharcade, I am President. I wasn't really anywhere else. But I am a king in bed. Ask the ladies. :)

Holy shit. Connector, is this really you?

Yup, thanks for starting all this double post timeout stuff! :) Now I can't post anymore. :( and stop 10 posting on irc! I'm gonna report you!!!

hi connector, glad you have an ask.fm account now

Hi! I am glad that you are my friend! I have no idea what I will focus on here on my ask page, but I am glad that you all are my friends, and while I won't be updating this ask page too much, I will from time to time, come here and read the interesting questions, and answer the ones that I deem fit.
I welcome you to Connector's ask page, ask me anything you want really. It's main focus is on the Toucharcade chatroom, ios gaming, icade joystick support, HDMI TV support, and making friends.
Here are some links to two threads that I am President of on Toucharcade, later I will post some more links when I have time.
Toucharcade's Chatroom
HDMI TV Loverz Group
Anywayz, thanks for coming to my ask, and I thank you again for being my friend, whoever you are. :)

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