
A7X Lovin' Shit

Ask @ConnerLutman

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how do you get the link for the answer? o:

Click on the time that the question was answered and it should take you to the answer then copy the link address :)
Liked by: Cheyenne

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I don't know half of the stuff you like, cute though, how you can see how many girls you're try'na get on wiv bby;3 ahahahahaha:') I joke!<3

Hahahahahaha xD and I'm not trying to get with everyone xD Yeah there are aloooot of beautiful girls but... Not trying to get with them xD ;D <3
Liked by: Cheyenne

Yeah like I see everything else you bloody like. Forever sat there thinking 'Who the fuck are these... OH Bananadickrex, I see' ahahaha;)<3

Hmm I might go for a liking spree ;) hahaha xD I like awesome stuff tho ;) and hahahaha ;) <3

Tehe:3 I sorreh;) not really but ya'no. And woo!;3<3

So my followers can see! and you saw it didn't you!? ;) <3

No problem! if you can get the link somehow, just send it to your friends to like (;

I know how to and but, I don't want to seem like a beg ;D

Oh, how am I obvious? Ahah:3<3

One of the main things is the faces you put ;) eg ":3" ":c" and I recognize the way you speak :3 <3

I called myself a cat and liked all of her questions XD what's your name

Hahahahaahaha xD and Conner :P

I guess by the time I read 'DIM' I know where it's going heheh:'D<3

Hehehe awwwh :'3 You're quite obvious tbh :3 <3

I have an ask shhh it's a secret tho XD I choose not to use it cause I trolled my friend with it and that's about it

Ohh right xD faairsXD

Sex Quiz Lms Would it ever happen: Lights on lights off: Bed or floor: Fast or slow: Rough or soft: Head or sex: Condom or raw: Tongue kiss or kiss: Hickey or no hickey


Well I am an anon girl that likes music and cats and American dad and Family Guy

Please come off anon please Anon Girl... If that is your real name O.O


Language: English