
A7X Lovin' Shit

Ask @ConnerLutman

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Yeah :) and staring at the starts :3 and if its morning then just go to my friends house :D <3

Awwwwwwh they're beautiful:3 and awwwh good:D <3

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he's this really cute and very hot guy i met on ask. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Oh right awwwh what's his link? ;)xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Aww sounds like you had a really good night :) shouldn't be getting drunk ;) <3

Yeah we did :') and I know ;) but It was fun and I didn't want to be the only sober one ;) <3
Liked by: #Geobby

I Rebecca-Louise Davies Loves Conner Luctman with all my heart. better? ;) xxxxx

Oh... Who's Conner Luctman? :O ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hay:3 I think you are pretty damn perfect to be honest. You're sweet, cute, gorgeous, funny. You have amazing music taste and you're a drummer! Like i said perfect :3 <3<3

Awwwwh :') I'm dying awwwwwh thankyou hun!!!:') <3<3

Did your brother like his surprise party?<3

Yeah he loved it, it was so weird cos I was on facebook talking to you and stuff and he was sitting on the sofa and his girlfriend came in and said "Jake can we go upstairs?" then after about a minute when they went upstairs my sister came in followed by like 15 other people being really quiet and they were quietly but happy birthday strips and balloons on the wall and all the alcohol and turned off the light and my sister texted his girlfriend and I was hiding under some covers and they were all stands in the dark room and when he walked in the light turned on and everyone shouted "Surprise!!!" and he was like "How did you all sneak in? I was upstairs for like 2 minutes?" and thanked everyone, and we done the ring of fire drinking game and got drunk and it was awesome :') I feel like shit now but it was a good night from what I remember :) <3

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Liked by: #Geobby

hey i just met you. dun dun and this is crazy. so heres ma number so Fuck me maybe. hahahahahhahahahahaha no xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

no? Oh.. :O ;) xD xxxxxxxxxxxx

hey i thought u loved me?................no fair wahhhhhhhhhhh

I just met you, and I did say if you're not tagged then sorry, I missed people out -.-

heya sent to everyone i follow. Just wanna know what you guys think of me? xxxxxxxxxxx oh luv ya all

AMAZING! xxxxxxxxx

Im on the highway to hell. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and ur coming with me babe

Awwh but I feel sick :c... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mummy i dont wanna die xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Awwwwh don't die then :3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

baby your amazing just the way you are. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

And I'd catch a grenade for you.. and it will blow up and kill up both. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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