
A7X Lovin' Shit

Ask @ConnerLutman

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All the likers get a: Dear________You have a cute________If we were in a room together alone, I would_________Me and you should_________ If you hugged me I would_________ If you kissed me I would________ You are______ I think you are _______ From ______

Yeah yeah will do them in the morning :0 probably like 1 now if you're lucky:3

http://ask.fm/Bunnie98 send this bitch hate, lets make her kill herself!!

I've got a better idea: Ready: Are you sure? You seem ;pretty retarded, Are you sure? You do seem retarded by sharing an amazing girl's link around... Here it is,: Are you ready? Yeah? Great :) How about you go fuck yourself right up the ass so fucking much that your own fucking dick comes out of your mouth and goes all the way around and goes up your ass and keeps going around and around, then once you've done that let your fucking retarded useless head follow your dick up your ass and whilst this is happening get people to throws bricks and your scrawny shitty body and fucking rip your shitty existence I'm so fucking pissed off with Bonnie getting hate, she doesn't deserve it, you probably don't even know her and your sending her link around? You stupid wankstain, she's one of the nicest people I know and she has always been there for me, and after her past she's trying to move on, and let her move n, cos she's strong and she will most probably ignore the fact that you're sending her link around. She's amazing and she's happy :D and that makes me happy, she means alot to me and I'm glad I met her, Just you know... Leave this planet and fuck off somewhere where you can't breathe I hate hatelinks -.- Love you Bonnie tho

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Do you like your name?

WAIT!!!!!!!!! This is a great opportunity to show everyone that my name is spelt differently from most others it's ConnEr I get so many Connors and I'm here thinking... "Who's Connor? And why is he/she telling me about them?" ;)

Every please possible bby;) pick me up at 1 tomorrow from the airport♡ -add me on facebook, links in my bio x

Coor you're horny arn't you? xD and ahahaha okaays x

Better be bby, my plane arrives In 12 hours ;) ♡

;) Okay I'll get my hous... Town ready for us too then ;) can't just do it on the bed can we? Gotta do it everywhere!! ;) <3

I shouldn't let myself get so attatched to you, I hate feeling like this

This is what I mean... I'm sorry...

Ahhah the girls who saying that you've 'cheated' on them, and that your flirting with other girls make me giggle conner:') I'm special, because I'm your wife!:D<3<3

the girl that every one hates
I need to cut down on the amount of girls I talk too :c.... I feel really bad :c... <3<3

They won't be clean after we''re done ;) #happy ending;)♡

Don't shit on my new sheets:C... SORRRY!!!!!! Of course they wont ;) <3

You obviously do or else you would be dead?:o ;) but anyway, why that reaction?;o<3

;) No shit sherlock alienated penguin feces ;) and I don't know :c... <3

I get jealous when you flirt with other girls :s

............ I banter :c... And flirt.. with SOME but I'm single :c....

who dirtied them?:o you cheating on me or what?;)♡

I just washed them jheeze ;) I like the cleansness, and no I never cheat :O ;) <3
Liked by: Alex

Are you proud of the person I have become not YOU. God, not everything's about you ya'no;)<3

I'm confused omg xD <3

It's only 12am over here, I'm not Drunk ;3 ♡

It's 23:12am over here, and oooh right ;) you up for it then? ;) <3


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