
A7X Lovin' Shit

Ask @ConnerLutman

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(To all those I follow) Should age really make that much of a difference if you truly love someone and are happy with them?? (Video response if you can)

Ben Baker
(Haven't got a webcam or mic sorry mate) But It depends how old you are... like if you're 17 and she/he's 14 or younger then society will judge the fuck out of you, but if you're willing to ignore the judgmentation (if that's a wordxD) and you're INLOVE!!! With her.. then I guess but if you're 25 and she's 23 or younger then that's fine according to today's society, just be careful, cos society judges on everything to detail.. If she's 20 and your 17 then that's fine:) But you if you're ready for anything then yeah :) it doesn't make much of a difference I guess :O

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1.) Favorite colour? 2.) where are you from? 3.) Someone you miss? 4.) Last thing you ate? 5.) Lucky number?

:O red, blue, purple and black 2)Uk (Hastings) 3) My bestfriend Taz... 4: M&Ms:3 5: 44 probably :3
Liked by: Waffles.ftw✌

omd at first i read that Jimmy Saville -_- lmfao:3 sounds sweet braah

Keelz69’s Profile PhotoKeelz
Hahahahahahahah xD!!!!!!! I should of said "The Rev" xD hehe yeah :3

got any tats?

I wanna get a Deathbat on my back and a Jimmy sullivan tribute on my back too :3 just awesome :3 but I don't have any now:C

If you had a chance to go anywhere around the world where would you go and why? :)

Either Bedington to go with my friend who is going in hospital tomorrow (not naming her)
Up to Liverpool to take car of @ToTheLastParade :3

yes or no a gift = 100 like ?

Nooo... Sorry!!! Haven't got credit -.- or even a phone for that matter -.-


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