
A7X Lovin' Shit

Ask @ConnerLutman

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A7X Lovin' Shit
Good now I got your attention, could you please like and ask this legend!!!
He's a really down to earth legend, easy to get along with, amazing music taste, just an amazing friend, please like his answers, share his link, and ask him loads of questions:3 I'll even like some of your answers if you do xD
Please! I'll love you foREVer :3

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Views on smoking?

It's there choice:3 if It desreases stress and is a distraction from "other stuff" then good, but it's still dangerous but it's they're choice, personally I wouldn't do it :3

Someone who's very tipsy. If that doesn't give it away, I don't know what will :L

I know who this is ;D apparently alot more open when tipsy, wonder what you're like drunk xD


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