
A7X Lovin' Shit

Ask @ConnerLutman

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LOL nooooo they don't know that I sext etc what happend was that Dan happend. Xxxxxxx

Hahaha oh right :3 and Dan? xxxxxxxxx

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Laptop's downstairs, alarms on plus I'm not allowed on the laptop, I have to "earn my trust back" -_- xxxxxxxx

Awwwwh :( what have you done they found out your history of porn? xxxxxxxxxxxx

You're welcome :) I wanna change my profile pic but laptop's downstairs :( its so ugly, I'm not even wearing any makeup :((( ugh xxxxxxx

:3 Then change it if you're not happy :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yeah really :) and yeah she's fine, she cried a bit but then suddenly stopped :/// lol I dunno probaly bad dream xxxxxxx

Awwh thankyou:3 ;) and awwh fair enough least she's fine :) xxxxxxxxxxx

Hahahaha! It's really sexy that you're a drummer :3 ummm I was in geography and we had to draw/invent an animal suitable for certain conditions and mine looked liked a giraffe with a rabbit head and a leaf body......I can't draw at all hahaha xD sorry it was a bit late my sister was crying xxxxxxx

Ahaha awwwh really?:3 hahahahaha omg xD and awwwh it's fine hun is she alright? xxxxxxxxx

Funniest thing that happend today? Xxxxxxx

I was drumming and my stick went flying and I couldn't find it for ages then I looked up and say it hanging from the light shade thingy hahaha xD wbu? xxxxxxxxxx

It's ok :) lol bet ya didn't know I speak Spanish? Were you freaked when you saw it on my page? Xxxxxxx

:) ahaha I was confused for a second hehe xD xxxxxxxxxxxx

:3 I dunno who it was and its ok, everyone has secrets, I do too :) no worries :)xxxxxxx

Fair enough :3 and okay :) Thankyou:) xxxxxxxxx

Tell me? And look at my last answer mwah xxxxxxx

Awwwwh thankyou hun :3 ly2 :3 and who's that anon that asked who your background was? ;) and I really haven't even told anyone... not even my bestfriend... xxxxxxxxxx

Btw I havnt left you, I'm making you sonething but it keeps failing so its taking ages xxxx

Awwwh bless okay :') xxxxxxx

<('-'<) *doesn't let go* mwah you just made me smile so much :)) xxxxxxxxx

:3 <('-'<) awwwh bless :3 good :') xxxxxxxxxxx


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