
A7X Lovin' Shit

Ask @ConnerLutman

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fave band?best memories?:):)

Favorite band of all time is Avenged Sevenfold:3 and hmm prob last halloween (not the one just gone but 2011) :) with my bestfriends was just an amazing day:3

LOL i just noticed the banana in your pic oh lawd !! & LMAOO your answer made my night! Thank you so much & no problemc c:

Ahahaha ;D!!!!! Good:33 You're welcome hehe :D
Liked by: Adrae

What would you do if a naked hobo girl jumps on your back while your walking downtown with your friends & your wearing white & her period blood stains?! LMAOO! Btw your smile is adorable :3

I'd tell my friends that I've finally found a girl in my life :') and run off into the sunset with her :3 nah I'd probably be freaked out and gently (cos I'm nice) lower her down then take off my shirt and throw it at her and carry on my day hahahaha ;D and awwwwwh :3 thankyou:3 Love your eyes:)


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