
A7X Lovin' Shit

Ask @ConnerLutman

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What's the best thing you can purchase for $5?

Whoah dude! With 5 bucks I could go to walmart and get snowball or two! I would get twinkies but there not doing anymore brah!
Nah with £3.31 I could get a monster ripper some crisps and whatever else haha

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YOU'RE SO CANADIAN!!! You took the piss out of me on skype about tea ;D you're so funny and you have great answers, and you love avenged sevenfold so you know?? Yeah, you're amazing and I'm always here for you mkkaaayyyy?


You have the same name and you look an awful like my bestfriend Alice, so you're awesome ;) haha nah, You're an amazing person! So funny so nice, great sense of humour, we always make Avenged Sevenfold references, We've had loads of great memories, especially Halloween 2011<3 I'm always here for you mkay? You're amazing kdot ily

do you love Sophie? XD

Yeah totes, we're looking to get married and move in with eachother by the end of the month, this is how you sound... You can't rush love! It's only been two weeks:3 you can't love someone straight away after 2 weeks, you got to find eachothers strengths n weaknesses and even that can take years, but you know it's love when you can feel it haha:) and it's only been two weeks:3 when someone says ''he obviously loves her'' I can't deny it :'D it's really looking like it will be that way:') maybe in a months or even a couple of weeks time :3 but we're just looking to get to know eachother more and stuff :') she means soooo fucking much to me, and I know even now I really don't want to lose her! She's unforgettable haha thinking about her keeps me awake and dreaming about her keeps me asleep :3 It puts me in a great mood just thinking about her xD and the best thing is that she completely understands:3 usually people will say ''I love you'' on like the first night haha but it takes time :)

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