
A7X Lovin' Shit

Ask @ConnerLutman

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... Yeye *-* bitch , you shouldn't think , you should know ;D have u go kik? O.o<3

Hehehe :') and who is this?:') and I do but my wifi is down on my phone :/... <3

... I love you *-* my chemical romance split up :'( </3

... I love you too anon! *-* I think? And I know....:'//// <3

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Omg :o you like avenged sevenfold!?!?! :o what other bands do u know / like?!

"Like" Hahahaha you're sadly mistaken.... I'M INLOVE!!!! THEY ARE PERFECT!!!!! PURE PERFECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Slipknot, Alter Bridge, 30STM, Disturbed, Guns N Roses, Linkin Park, Metallica, Oasis, MCR, Seether, Skillet, BFMV, Cannibal Corpse, Marilyn Manson, Nickelback, Suicide Silence, Tenacious D, BILLIONS MORE!!

Ohhh right. Well you best treat Tia well if you get to be with her mate.

Omfg :L Did you just say that?! I think everyone in the entire planet knows how much I would do to make that girl happy:'D She means too much to me and I'd try my utmost best to not hurt her ever!!! I love that girl so fucking much!! and I. WILL. TREAT. HER. LIKE. A. PRINCESS. Mate.

@HIsTheBestestx :P

My feelings are pretty much what your name is tbh :') H is the bestest :' )You're one my my bestest;) friends and we get on so well even tho we've had some bad times we always come out awesome and I'm so glad I met you, you mean alot to me, and I love talking to you!:D You're always there for me and you always make me happy and You're so nice and you're not judgemental and you're funny ;) you got a great sense of humour:'D You're like the perfect friend :D we have our ups and downs but I'd always love you x) always here:) xxxxxxxx
Liked by: Joely Barnes

opinion on me? (to everyone i follow)<3

You seem like such a lovely girl:D You seem so sweet and lovely to talk to with a great sense of humour :D we should defo talk more:') <3
Liked by: Joely Barnes

@Tiahocking138 ;)

There is too much to say tbh :3 everything about you is perfect :') I can't stress enough how much you mean to me, It's literally everything:') Every time we talk I have a massive smile on my face and every time we're on the phone like last night my face was actually aching because I was smiling too much :') and you always make my day no matter what :') we have never ever fallen out and I doubt we ever will :') I never ever ever EVER want to loose you, you mean waaay too much to me now, and I honestly love you with all my body:') I would say my heart, but my body is bigger ;) I just love the fact you like me back :') and think about me alot apparently and that makes my day just thinking about it:') and omg there is not a day that goes by where You don't pop into my head make me smile like a silly billy:'3 You make me so happy and I can't thankyou enough for always being there for me and just staying strong, I'd do anything to make you happy:') Honestly!! You deserve it so much, and I can't wait til the summer when I can finally be with you:') we'll have cuddles all night and play fight and kiss and everything :'3 and that day will come :') I can't wait till I can call you mine:'3 and when I do :') that'll be the happiest day of my life then it will continue to make me happy and I'll do my most utter best to make you happy, after what you've been through, you've come out sooo strong and I have so much respect for you it's unbelievable, you're so important to me and we're going to have so much fun when you come here:') even my mum knows how much I love you:') hehehe yes I talk about you and? ;) every time I come on line and see you on line I blush xD hahahaha you're so sweet I love your personality, your thoughtfulness, your caringness(that's a word okay?;)) your sense of humour, your politeness, your cheekyness, so much I can't list hehehe :') everything about you is perfect and I couldn't ask for better tbh :D you know, the hardest thing that will happen is saying goodbye to after meeting you in person, It would be near impossible :/ We'd be hugging and cuddleing for hours and you would of probably missed your train loads;D The hardest part would be the good bye :'/ I don't know how we could do it tbh :'/ I'd make it worth while :) I think the first thing we'd do when you get home is call me :') must hear each other's voice again!!! It's amazing because when we hear each others voice again we already known that we have cuddled properly and I'd remember them cuddles for ages:') and just calling and knowing what we have finally done would be perfect, Just like you hun!! I love you too fucking much to describe!! Muchlove beautiful! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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hello:')....if you get this it means i follow you because you're either PERFECT or a complete CUNT love you all xoxoxox<3

Awwwwwwwwh I'm betting the the cunt :') xxxxx<3
Liked by: Fadumaa


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