
A7X Lovin' Shit

Ask @ConnerLutman

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I've gained so much weight since I got that illness,and the stuff I need to take to make it go away someday makes me gain weight...I've gained so much,and I really don't recognize myself anymore.I find myself disgusting.In just 6 months...

Come off anon? Are you not happy with your appearance?

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Most of you probably don't know that I exist, but can I get an opinion on me? Please be nice, I love you♥ xx (Sent to most of the people I follow)

Kittastrophe’s Profile PhotoShelby Sacrifice
Well I started following you today xD you seem awesome :3 you're beautiful and you seem lovely :3 <3

yup thats her :/ i saw her story on my stream. and i wanted to share with everyone. so she can see that she is loved

She knows I'm always here

http://ask.fm/ollyrauh http://ask.fm/kurrttcobain http://ask.fm/clungem4gnet69 http://ask.fm/toririley These four "guys" are trannys it is fucking disturbing, they are obviously mentally unstable thinking they are boys when they have vaginas so are clearly girls, give them shit, they deserve it x

Whhhooaaahhohohoho!!! Nooo I will not give hate and how could you tell me to give people hate then put a "X"? I'm not giving hate they don't deserve it, they're not mentally unstable. It's their life they can whatever the fuck they want. Without being judged by people like you. Fuck off!!!

so cause she was hurt she'd rather be quiet and on her own hahaaha emo cunts

She shouldn't be alone if she's hurt cos the worse thing for someone that is hurt is isolation, because that can drive them to bad stuff, so you (in general, not you, because you're clearly pathetic) should comfort her.

no she isnt shes pathetic always cried was always quiet

Yes she is, and it's because people like you bullied her, do you know what it's like to be bullied? It's fucking horrible, and she was hurt and not make fun of her because she was hurt.

shes just ugly haha

Omg!!! You silly anon!! She is fucking beautiful!! Why should "ugly" people be bullied?! How pathetic is that?!

she deserved it shes a slag

She doesn't fucking deserve it! No one deserves to be bullied? What has she ever done to you?!

don't get to close to @JadeMariie she calls everyone perfect and calls them all her best friends. shes pathetic

Whoah whoah whoah... She's not pathetic!! She's amazing, if you know what she's been through, then you'll know why, she wants to help people and make them feel good about themselves, I respect her loads tbh don't tell me what to do okay?


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